Chapter 8: Dilemma

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*Back at the dorm*

Dawn brings May into the dorm as both girls sit on their bed. May wraps her hands around her legs as she curls up and Dawn merely sits with her head down. Several minutes past by before Dawn decides to break the silence.

Dawn: "Ma-"

May: "Save it Dawn. I already know what you're going to say. Stop worrying about me and win that tournament for us okay?"

Dawn: "Are you sure your okay? I won't let those girls keep bothering you!"

May: "I can't always rely on you Dawn. I have to learn how to win my own battles."

Dawn: "..."

Ash: "She's right you know."

May: "Huh Ash? When did you come in?"

Ash: "Just a couple of minutes ago, but that's not the point. You both have to learn that you can't always rely on each other. Your friends can only help you to a certain distance before the rest is up to you."

Both girls sit there and think about what Ash says.

May: "Your right Ash. That's why you should stop worrying about me, Dawn and focus on winning as much contests as you can!"

Dawn: "I don't know May. Our competitive friendship has always motivated me to win."

Ash: "How about I give you some motivation then Dawn."

Dawn: "Huh? How?"

Ash: "I'll give you a bet. If you win this contest next week, I'll do anything you say. You can humiliate me all you want. No boundaries."

Dawn: "And if I lose?"

Ash: "I simply ask that we start over and you get to know me as Ash Ketchum and not Kalos champion."

Dawn: "Huh? That's all you want?"

Ash: "I mean yeah. Ever since we started, you've hated my guts because of my celebrity status. I want to start over, so you know how I truly am." Ash sticks his hand out.

Dawn giggles and May smiles as Dawn replies.

Dawn: "Your a weird one Ash Ketchum, but you've got yourself a deal! Be prepared for whatever I have in store for you when I win." Dawn takes his hand and shakes it.

May: 'They've finally started to get along huh?'

Ash: "I'll watch from home. So the winner's reward takes place as soon as we see each other."

May: "Your not coming to watch Dawn?"

Ash: "Ah. I wouldn't want to take any of the attention of the fans from the actual performance. So I rather stay home then go."

Dawn: "It's fine May. I only need your support there anyway."

The three students then start their night routine before they go off to bed.

*With Gladion*

Gladion stands outside his dorm's porch facing the night sky as the mysterious person suddenly appears behind him.

 Gladion: "Your late."

???: "I would disagree. I think your just early."

Gladion: "You annoy me so much."

???: "That's not my concern."

Gladion: "Tch. I can't believe Boss paired me up with some brat like you."

???: "He just knew you couldn't handle the challenge, so he called me to help you."

Gladion: "You little--"

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