Chapter 32: Reggie Shinji

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A younger version of Paul is seen running around in a grass field, as another boy with purple hair is sitting under a tree.

Paul: Reggie! Reggie! Look at me! 

The boy runs as fast as he can, before diving to the ground. The older boy, Reggie, simply smiles.

Reggie: "Be careful!" 'I would do anything to keep him smiling like that.'

Despite how happy the scene is, this was not how the Shinji family always lived. Instead the two brothers lived in poverty in Sinnoh. Reggie was born with immense potential. The power of detecting Aura was an ability only the Shinji family contained and Reggie was going to be the strongest one. His aura was larger than any champion. He lived comfortably honing his skills and training, but one day it would all come to an end. Almost 6 years later his father would die mysterious and his mother would die giving birth to his younger brother Paul. Unlike Reggie, Paul was weak. His aura showed almost nothing. Despite all the circumstances and problems, Reggie would protect his brother. It was his duty as the older child, to protect his younger brother. He would steal food, train harder, and even give up his life to keep his brother from dying. Eventually 4 years later, at the age of 10, Reggie would finally get a chance to change his and Paul's life...And he took it.

Reggie: "Staraptor close combat!"

Trainer: "Sawk! Dodge!"

Unfortunately for the trainer, Sawk would be too slow and ultimately fainted.

Referee: "Sawk is unable to battle. Reggie wins!"

The crowd watches, as the upcoming star Reggie took down countless trainers. At just age 10, Reggie would defeat Gym leader and Elite Four members with ease. He was a prodigy, with a record of 56 wins and 0 losses. 

Paul: "You were so cool out there Reggie!"

Paul watches with stars in his eyes.

Reggie: "Thanks Paul! You know you could do what I do. Even if no one says so, you'll be stronger than I am."

Paul: "Really?!"

Reggie: "Of course! I wouldn't lie to you!"

Despite what Reggie promised, it would take centuries for Paul to surpass Reggie. If not centuries, then a miracle. Anyone with the ability too see Aura, could realize that Paul had little to no potential. He couldn't be a champion...a trainer....not even a day to day battler. But Reggie didn't care. He would prove everyone wrong and force fate to make Paul a trainer.

Reggie sent out his Elekid, before facing back to Paul.

Reggie: "You see that color that outlines Elekid?"

Paul "Yeah! It's growing. It's pouring out!"

Reggie: "Yep! That's called Aura."

Paul: "Aura?"

Reggie: "Right! Aura is a form of spiritual energy and is the essence of every living creature. Aura can be used to do so much things and a pokemon called Lucario can use Aura to damage other pokemon. Usually only Pokemon can sense Aura, but one family has been able to do that as well. The Shinji family. You are part of that family and I know you can become a trainer, stronger than me."

Paul looks at his brother, before seeing the immense aura he had."

Paul: "But I can't beat others like you can. I've tried, but I always lose. I can't do it. I can't become a trainer."

Reggie watches his brother, before grabbing his shoulder. He grabs Elekid's pokeball and hands it to Paul.

Reggie: "Then defeat everyone with the strength I give you. Take this Elekid."

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