Chapter 21: Old Friend

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*At Trip's Dorm*

Trip is seen laying down in his bed, as his roommates Paul and Gary are sleeping in a different room

Trip: "Just you wait Ash! I'll make sure to humiliate you and May tomorrow. I'll take that Champion title no matter what!"

???: "I wouldn't be so sure about that."

Trip jumps out of his bed to see a figure near his window

Trip: "And who the hell are you?"

Kenny: "Ah how rude. My name's Kenny. Sorry for the intrusion, but I need to get some business done."

Trip: "And how does that involve me."

Kenny: "Oh. Well let's see. My business is to make sure your not able to move tomorrow." Kenny sends out an Alakazam and a Breloom. "Alakazam hypnosis!"

Trip: "What the he-" Trip falls down sound asleep.

Kenny: "Ah easy enough. Breloom use stun spore." Breloom uses stun spore causing Trip to twitch. "So if he wakes up he'll still be paralyzed. That should take him out for the tournament, but just in case. Breloom! CLOSE COMBAT!" Breloom does as instructed and launches the sleeping Trip right into the wall.

Kenny smiles to himself, before turning around to see two other faces.

???: "So the job's done Kenny?"

Kenny: "I told you. I'll get it done. Besides who's the new guy."

???: "That's Brendan. He's taking Trip's place. His papers are turned in already."

Brendan: "Yo. Just to make one thing clear, Kenny doesn't look like too much to me."

Kenny: "You trying to pick a fight or something?"

Brendan: "No. I'm just stating the obvious."

Kenny: "Whatever. Just give me what I want, so I can leave."

Brendan laughs, before smiling straight at Brendan.

Brendan: "Not only is he nothing, he's also an idiot."

Kenny: "What do you mean?"

???: "Kenny. You can't just leave. We're turning you in."

Kenny: "What!"

Brendan: "Gardevoir! Hypnosis."

Kenny: "Alakazam protect!"

Brendan: "OH! Got some fight in you huh?"

Kenny: "I'm not going down without one!"

Brendan sends out his Swampert.

Brendan: "Well then no time to fool around. Swampert! Mega Evolve!"

Kenny: "Breloom Stun spore! Alakazam psychic!"

Brendan: "Gardevoir protect! Swampert Ice beam."

Brendan's pokemon overwhelm Kenny's, causing Kenny to sit down in fear.

Kenny: "Wait! Stop! I won't leave!"

???: "Sorry Kenny, but unfortunately we don't need you anymore anyway."

Kenny: "So all this was a lie? I was just a pawn, a piece you could use and throw away."

???: "Yes."

Kenny: "You bi-"

Kenny gets hit with a point blank focus blast by Gardevoir.

???: "I hear movement. Let's move."

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