Chapter 35: Broken Hearts

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Gary is seen walking out of his meeting with another scientist.

Gary: "Thank you for the information."

Scientist: "No problem. Make sure you keep yourself safe and I wish you the best of luck."

Gary: "I'll try my best."

The two wave goodbye, as Gary sighs.

Gary: "I've been traveling nonstop for almost a week now. Spring break is gonna be over in about 4 days. I haven't found too many things that will be helpful."

Gary scrolls through his Pokedex contacts, before calling Nate.

Gary: "Blue to Black No.2. How's things on your end."

Nate: "We finished capturing Silver yesterday. It went smooth, but I do have a nasty bruise. Me and Rosa just got back from Johto and I'm currently in the Unova championship room. However, I don't know much about why they decided to get Silver. I'll try to get that from Rosa."

Gary: "Good. However try to relax a bit. Don't you think you're pushing yourself too much?"

Nate: "I...I'm planning to take a leave of absence for a little under a week. I'll be back in Police Headquarters doing light research and reporting back news. Of course I won't talk about Ash and involve the international police force."

Gary: "I'll send you all the information I have gathered. I believe I have about 1 or 2 visits left, before I go back to Kanto. However, I would like you to do another favor if you could."

Nate: "Which is?"

Gary: "Take a longer leave of absence from Unova. I want you to travel to Kanto and meet Paul."

Nate: "Why so?"

Gary takes a glance around, before whispering something into the Pokedex.

Nate: "What?! Are you sure?"

Gary: "It's time for new starts."

Nate: "Alright. I'll start to pack. I'll let you know when I get the information from Rosa about what we're doing with Silver. What's going on your end?"

Gary: "Me and Leaf are meeting up. Ash is safely back in Kanto. May and Dawn should be back in a couple of days. In the meantime Leaf and I will try to get more information, peace everything together, and hopefully make a stronger medicine which will end everything."

Nate: "Best of luck. Call me when you need me again."

Gary: "One more thing. Make sure what I said happens. I don't care what happens in between. If half of our team goes out. If Red gets captured. If Silver escapes. Make sure that gets done. We can't rely on the old gen. The need for a new generation is now. Let this begin a rise of the new gen."

Nate: "Leave it to me. Black No. 2 out."

Gary looks at Leaf's location seeing that she's almost near his location. He runs off to meet up with her.


Gary is able to meet up with Leaf halfway from his next meeting.

Gary: "Leaf."

Leaf: "How's it been Gary?"

Gary looks at her with tired eyes.

Gary: "Exhausting."

Leaf: "Shouldn't you take a break? It seems like you're gonna pass out."

Gary: "We can't afford to stop. We're almost at the finish line."

Leaf looks at Gary, before pouting.

Leaf: "Look it's only gonna be for a couple of minutes. Now rest!"

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