Chapter 16: Rank Up

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*With May and Ash*

May: "So what are we looking for?"

Ash: "We'll we can start off with a couple of easier trainers in the class, before we beef it up. Essentially the ranking system works, as if who take the rank of person you beat. Meaning it's much harder to maintain a position, as people under you will consistently try to win just once."

May: "Interesting? But why are we going for lower trainers then, if it won't help my ranking."

Ash: "Good question! They are actually multiple reasons. It's so you get a real battle experience. Battling someone lower than you allows you to keep your guard up and possibly try out new moves or strategies." 

Gary: "But it also keeps you on your feet. Losing makes it that much more heartbreaking."

May: "Gary?"

Gary: "The one and only! Heard you guys talking and decided to jump in. So you thinking about ranking up quickly May?"

Ash: "That was my plan for her."

Gary: "I think she'll jump up pretty high. But she's still needs some more training before reaching top 10."

May: "Are they really that much better?"

Ash: "I mean all top 10, are almost if not all undefeated. The only exception was Trip."

May: "Wow. Who else are in the top 10."

Gary: "Well just to name a few...Ash, Gladion, Paul, Trip, and me. Although there are a couple people better than Trip and me."

May: "I'm kinda shocked to see you up there Gary."

Gary tries to hold in some tears

Gary: "Y-yeah." 'Why does everything think I'm worthless.' Gary turns away, as multiple tears run down his face.

May: "Uh-Uhmm....I didn't mean it like that."

Gary laughs, before turning around

Gary: "Yeah I know. Just joking with you."

May: "I've never seen you battle though."

Ash: "We'll Gary doesn't like to battle much, so his rank stays the same, but he could easily be top 2."

Gary: "And what stops me from being number 1?"

Ash: "Me."

Ash and Gary stare at each other, as sparks fly between them

Ash and Gary stare at each other, as sparks fly between them

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May: "H-hey guys, how about we calm down?"

Ash and Gary laugh together and give each other a fistbump

Gary: "Sure it would be fun to see us battle, but that's behind us. We're much better, as companions than rivals."

May: "Oh. Who did you team up with?"

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