Chapter 7: Glimpse

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Dawn: "Let's do this!"

Dawn shouts out commands and moves as both Pipulp and Buneary follow up perfectly.

Dawn: "Pipulp use ice beam to make an ice rink!" Dawn then simply looks at Buneary as it knows exactly what to do.

Teacher writes down in her notes. 'Has a great connection and bond with her Pokemon. They follow up each move excellently. She could possibly even be better than her mother.'

Dawn's Pokemon continue to execute other moves perfectly before she decides to finish the Performance.

Dawn: "Alright! Pipulp use bubble and Buneary jump on them!"

Pipulp launches a bubble beam as Buneary jumps on each bubble gracefully before they both land with a bow

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Pipulp launches a bubble beam as Buneary jumps on each bubble gracefully before they both land with a bow.

Teacher: "Bravo! Bravo! You definitely did more than expected."

The students whisper among themselves as they wonder if they even have a chance.

Teacher: "Right now your my top prospect to go into this competition next week, but we still have a couple performances to go through."

Dawn simply smiles before walking back to her seat. 

May: "That was great Dawn!"

Dawn: "Thanks May. I know you'll do great!"

*In the stands*

???: "Dawn Bertliz huh? I'll remember that name. She might be trouble in the future. Not for me of course."

Gladion: "A bit cocky huh?"

???: "What do you expect? I'm the current Kalos Queen and top performer. You won't be better than Ash anyway."

Gladion: "Tch. That's not the point of why I'm here. Boss has given us our first task."

???: "Oh. We shouldn't keep him waiting. After all, he's a very impatient man."

Gladion: "Then let's go."

???: "Text me the details. I wanna stick around some more before I join up."

Gladion:"Why? You still looking for competition?"

???: "Ha. Don't make me laugh. I just gonna play around a little more."

Gladion: "Whatever." 'Why did boss make me pair up with her again?'

*Back to the class*

Teacher: "May Maple?"

May: "Here."

Teacher: "Alright. I see that this is one of your first performances? Do you have any experience?"

May: "Not that much, but I've trained with Dawn and her mom and I'm planning to get better!"

Teacher: "Well that's the spirit. The stage is all yours."

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