Chapter 13: New Beginnings

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*With Dawn*

Dawn smiles to herself as she's skipping to the dorm.

Dawn: "I wonder what was going through Ash's mind?"

Dawn reaches her dorm before opening the door

Dawn: "May I'm back."

She gets no response back

Dawn: "Huh? Where did May go?"

Dawn reaches her room before finding a note

May's note: "Hey Dawn. If your wondering where I am, I left to go to Principal Oak. I had a talk with Ash and wanted to change a couple of things and start my own journey. I'll be back soon."

Dawn: "Start her own journey?" Dawn tilts her head. "What does she mean."

*With May*

Oak: "Are you sure you want to change over?"

May: "Yes I'm positive."

Oak: "I'm letting you know that you might be behind."

May: "I'm sure I'll get through. Ash said he'll help me too."

Oak: "Alright Ms. Maple. I've changed your Pokedex ID, so it should say Pokemon trainer now."

May opens her Pokedex to see the new update, before smiling to herself.

May: "Yep."

Oak: "Your all set then May. Good luck on your new start."

May: "Thanks Principal Oak!"

Professor Oak just smiles at her

May starts to walk towards her dorm thinking to herself of her new beginning.

May: "So what do I do now?"

Dawn: "May! May!"

May looks over to see Dawn running towards her, with a huge smile.

Dawn: "Where did you go?"

May: "Oh...uhm..I just stopped by Professor Oak for something."

Dawn: "Huh? For what?"

May: "Well...I....I"

Dawn: "Well out with it."

May stops, as she wonders if she should tell Dawn

May: 'I know she's my best friend, but would it hurt her if I said I was going to a different path?'

May recalls a memory of her father


Norman stands over a younger May and her fainted pokemon.

May: "That's no fair. Your Slaking is way stringer than my Torchic!"

Norman: "Are you going to make that same excuse every time May? Whether or not you lose or win doesn't matter. The fact is that you can't blame the other people for being strong or on luck. You have to take full responsibility of the loss."

May: "..."

Norman: "But most importantly...You have to be proud in what you can do. Be proud to say what you are and what you wanna be. The people who truly friends with you, will support you all the way."

Norman puts his hand on May's head, before smiling at her.

*Back to the scene*

Dawn: "May?"

May: "I went to change my career path."

Dawn: "Huh?"

May: "I went to Professor Oak to change my career path to a Pokemon trainer."

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