Chapter 39 Part 2: Sparks Of An Inextinguishable Fire

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Flint sends out Infernape, as the pokemon flies out of the pokeball with a flip. It gives off a cocky grin, as the fire on top of its head burns brightly. Paul kept his cool with a stoic expression, but deep inside he was troubled. He had a paralyzed and low hp Gyrados, a low hp Weavile, a severely damaged Metagross, a paralyzed Garchomp, and burned Electivire. His Torterra was out for the count. He had a max revive, but would most likely save it. Infernape would not go down without taking out at least one pokemon, with the possibilty of taking out his whole team, and he needed every single pokemon in his fight with Cynthia. Paul closed his eyes and took a long deep breath, before opening them again.

Paul: "Let's do this."

Flint gives a large smirk.

Flint: "Infernape Fire spin."

Infernape sends out a circle of fire, trapping Garchomp and during chip damage.

Paul: "It's not like you to play slow pace and deal chip damage."

Flint: "Don't worry. I'm just making sure you can't leave."

Paul: "Your at a type disadvantage."

Flint: "I've always been the underdog...Nothings changed..."

Paul: "Suit yourself. Earthquake!"

Flint: "Flare blitz!"

Garchomp steps forward, but before it has a chance to even attempt to set off an earthquake, Infernape appears right in front. 

Paul: "Huh?!"

Flint: "Close combat!"

Infernape gives off another smirk, before letting the smirk fall off its face and sending several punches, dealing massive damage to Garchomp and sending it back. Infernape jumps back with a flip, as Garchomp falls to one knee. Paul stands looking at Infernape in shock. He had all these talks about the Infernape. The only possible person stopping him was Reggie and Cynthia, but he had never expected it to be that fast. In less than a split second, it made up about 40 feet of space. If this was Flint's ace, then just what was Paul expected to do against Cynthia's ace Garchomp. That being if he made it past this round. Paul shakes his head, before focusing.

Paul: "Draco meteor!"

Flint: "Flamethrower!"

Garchomp sends up a Draco meter, but Infernape is able to deal some damage on the meteor, causing to be smaller than usual, as it travels upwards.

Paul: "Dragon rush!"

Flint: "Flare Blitz!"

The two rush forward colliding with each other, as Infernape slowly pushes Garchomp back. Seeing the current difference in strength, Paul makes a quick change.

Paul: "Off to the side Dragon claw!"

Garchomp disengages and moves to the side, before sending a dragon claw aimed at Infernape's back.

Flint: "Mach punch."

Once again, Infernape moves quick enough to flip over and send a mach punch at Garchomp, as the two are at another deadlock.

Paul/Flint: "Dragon Breath/Flamethrower!"

The two pokemon charge up and send there respective attacks, leaving the two to cancel out, smoke covers a small area. As the smoke rises, Paul is shocked to see that Infernape is gone from its position.

Paul: "Huh? Where's he gone?"

Infernape appears in the air behind Garchomp, before pulling back its arm.

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