Chapter 14: Training

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*At the dorms*

Dawn is seen yawning and waking up early, as the sun is just about rising

Dawn: "Morning May."

May doesn't respond back

Dawn: "May?"

Dawn lifts May's sheets up, before seeing nothing there.

Dawn: "I wonder where May went." 

Dawn checks her alarm to see it saying 6:15 am, before falling back asleep.

*With May*

May yawns

May: "So why are we up so early?"

Ash stretches out

Ash: "Hey. You wanted to be one of the best right? Besides you're already behind, so we gotta get you caught up."

May: "But why waste your time to train with an amateur like me?"

Ash: "I wouldn't call it wasting my time. There's 2 reasons why I'm here. Number 1 is because fighting someone who isn't experienced is a great learning moment for me to adapt to new strategies and number 2 because I believe you'll be a great trainer."

May: "Really?"

Ash: "I wouldn't be here if I didn't."

May looks at her hand and clenches it, before pumping it in the sky

May: "Right! Let's get started!"

Ash smiles back at her actions

Ash: "Right."


May is seen laying on the floor and breathing hard

Ash: "You tired?"

May: "S-s...soooo t-tirreedddd"

soooo t-tirreedddd"

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Ash just chuckles

May: "How do you do this everyday and why do you do this?"

Ash: "Well I just got into a habit of doing it. I do it because it helps me understand my own pokemon and how they get tired. The bond is important between trainer and pokemon. The harder you work, the more your pokemon will listen and fight for you. They'll do anything to make sure you achieve what you want."

Ash takes a sip of water before tossing the bottle of water to May.

Ash: "Take a quick sip. We gotta keep moving."

May stares at the bottle, before going into a deep blush

May: 'Ash drank from this....Isn't this like an indirect kiss?!'

Ash: "Are you okay May?"

May: "YEP! Totally fine!" 

May takes a quick sip, before handing it back to Ash.

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