Part 6: Information

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Ash opens an email from Gary and begins to read it

Name: Gladion Aether

Gender: Male

Birth place: Aether Paradise, Alola region

Relatives: Lillie Aether(sister), Lusamine Aether(mother), Mohn Aether(father)

Specializes: Pokemon Battler

Previous schools: N/A

History: Unknown


Ash: "Huh? Unknown Background."

Gary: "Strange right? I looked him up some more and found out that his mother owns the Aether Foundation."

Ash: "The same organization whose goal is to cure hurt Pokémon huh? That might explain how he got a Silvally. Still I wonder how he knows about past?"

Gary: "Be careful Ash. I think he's focused on bringing the old you back. That could be big trouble. I'll prepare some medicines in case he does. Something about his family seems a bit odd. I'll keep up with investigating him. If you want any info, I would suggest asking Lillie, his sister."

Ash: "Will do Gary. I'll see you later."

Gary: "Later."

Ash hangs up and walks towards his dorm.

Ash: 'What's your real motive Gladion?'

*With Gladion*

Gladion is seen walking towards an alley way before entering a shady underground room.

???: "It seems like you've made it Gladion."

Gladion: "Yes. I have information to report too. Ash's stability seems normal. Everything seems fine with him, but I know I can crack his outer shell for now. I need some help to get the old Ash back though."

???: "Welldone Gladion. I know it was a good choice to choose you. I'll reward you. Grunt! Bring the briefcase."

Grunt: "Yes sir!"

The grunt brings over the briefcase as the mysterious person grabs two stacks of money and hands it to Gladion.

Gladion: "Thank you boss."

???: "There's no need. You simply did what was asked. Go on and spend some time with Lillie."

Gladion: "Yes boss."

As Gladion walks out the same mysterious lady walks out from the shadows

???: "So Gladion is under your control?"

Boss: "Yes. You'll be working with him soon. I know how much you want him back too. I've seen the lengths you will go."

???: "If the old him comes back then we'll get what we want. We'll be untouchable."

Boss: "Don't worry. All the pieces are falling in place currently."

*With Dawn and May*

May: "How ya feeling Dawn?"

Dawn sniffles and wipes her eyes. 

Dawn: "I'm fine. I'm just worked up."

May grabs her shoulder before looking at her eye and eye

May: "Dawn I'm here for you. I know it hurts, but you can't keep blaming all celebrities for what happened to your mom. Ash is different. You and I both know that."

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