Chapter 30: Partnerships

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Before I start this chapter. I want to shout out to @Harmony4everr. They've supported this book from the beginning and gave me a great idea. So a big shout out to them. And enjoy like always.


*At A Secret Location*

Gladion: "Your taking too damn long."

???: "Don't you know not to rush a lady?"

Gladion: "Look we're two days out from starting a mission and I'm stuck waiting for you."

???: "No one told you to wait."

Gladion: "And no one told you to take this long."

???: "Oh relax Gladion. Are you a bit on edge because you haven't seen Lillie in a while? Does Big Brother Gladion need to see his little sister." 

The girl starts to mock Gladion, as Gladion grows a tick mark.

Gladion: "I'm going to straight up kill you."

???: "Except you can't. You need me. Also we both know I'm stronger. As tough as you act. I'm still the better trainer."

The two stare off, before Gladion turns away.

Gladion: "Tch...Just hurry the hell up. I'll be in the strategy room waiting."

???: "No problem Gladion!"

*At the strategy room*

The Boss is sitting in a chair in the middle of the room, with several grunts, computers, and screens around him.

Boss: "What's the updates?"

Grunt 1: "Our intel has Professor Oak leaving in about two days out. Ash and Leaf are currently in Kalos and Gary's location is undetected. Sir."

Boss: "Of course it is. Gary is on to us. He'll be a pain to deal with. Set priority on Gary Oak. Send all forces to all regions."

Grunt 2: "Yes sir!"

The door opens, as Gladion walks in. 

Gladion: "Boss."

Boss: "Gladion. On time as usual. Where's your partner?"

Gladion: "Taking centuries to pack like usual. We're running late."

Boss: "Ah yes. But unfortunately I cannot speed this up. Having her is a necessity and we're under her time."

Gladion: "Is my sister safe?"

Boss: "Yes. Gary has not talked to her and has opted to keep her busy. It's a win for both of us, as she won't question where you are."

Gladion: "Good, but keep her safe. That was my agreement."

Boss: "But of course Gladion. Unlike Kenny you're much more needed."

The door opens, as the Gladion's partner walks in.

Boss: "Nice of you to join us."

???: "Sorry for the delay."

Boss: "No need. After all we've almost just started."

The boss looks at a grunt, before the grunt runs to turn on the projector.

Boss: "Well no time to waste. Here's our objectives."

The screen lights up, before multiple names appear.

1. Gary Oak

2. Leaf Green

3. Ash Ketchum

4. Brendan Birch

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