"See, see, I stole this from the store behind my house." He flexes his sharp screwdriver to the guy wearing a grey cap.

"Let me see," He takes it from his hand and eyes it wholly.

"Solid, eh,"

"I'll shove it in his neck and then into the girl's." He takes his weapon back and smirks sadistically.

"We need the girl alive, bastard!" The guy with heavy voice spats. He looked dangerous. Even the darkness wasn't able to hide the scar above his right eye.

"Killing him won't be easy too," The last man spoke.

"Do you idiots even know who he is?" He scoffs while shaking his head, "I say we demand more greens for this task," He scorns.

"Rose Stephany." The first speaker sings her name creepily. Chills ran down her spine, giving neck to neck competition to her tears.

Shock and terror strike her hard. She has been listening to them and all she wants is to run. Run for her life.

The fear was getting exceedingly high, making her breathe heavily. She gasps for air but nothing reaches her lungs. Attempting over and over but the running nose and tears pooling out of her eyes were only making things worse for her. She couldn't breathe. Her heart was beating irrationally.

All her focus was on her breathing, she failed to notice that those men were coming near. 

She slaps her chest while reflexively leaning down. Her legs are trembling, and so are her hands. Rose is on the verge of getting a panic attack.

As if all of this wasn't enough to scare her to death, one of those men cautiously stops realising someone's presence around. He gestures to his men to stay quiet while alertly scanning his surroundings.

"Someone's here!" He whisper-yells, heeding everyone else.

The words stretch to Rose's ears too.

There's only one thing left for her to do now, what she's been doing all day. 


The enjoyment King was getting from the warmth of the fire in front of him was long gone. He is now continuously looking towards the door, waiting for the moment for Rose to walk back in.

His mind is constantly fighting with itself. Did I say too much? What is taking her so long? What if something happens to her? What if she faints in this freezing cold?

His arrogant, cruel self was slowly melting down as all these questions were eating his mind inside out.

He stands up in frustration. Scoffs at his own thoughts.

"She was the one saying I'd rather stay out!" He converses with himself.

Running his hand through his hair, his eyes again jump on the door. He swiftly opens it and his body jerks upon the sudden attack of cold wind.

"Oh, Rose," Words leave his mouth in absolute pity and shame.

Just hold on. He thinks before sprinting outside, calling out her name. As if the earlier attack of the cold wind sent him back to his senses, he wildly starts searching for her with a sole thought in his mind- Please, don't die on me...


"You can't run forever!" The guy owning the screwdriver yells at Rose who has been running for quite a time from them.

She doesn't look back, doesn't stop despite the agony galloping all over her body. She can rest all day once she's safe, she thinks.

Thanks to the fog of the cold night, their sights blurred out, giving her enough time to hide. She scoops into the thick bushes, holding her breath to avoid any movements. But that's exactly what she wants right now.

She whimpers softly when one of the guys approaches her, unaware of her position.

"She came this way!"

"Find her!"

Rose closes her eyes involuntarily, holding her whiff. Praying for her life within.

"There, I see something!" The guy searching in the opposite direction yells before running that way followed by others.

That's when Rose takes deep breaths. Her body isn't immune to running for such a long time. She feels light in her head but doesn't allow her senses to die. She gets up immediately from her place. A few sharp bushes cut her skin but she pays no attention to it. She wants to survive the night somehow. Despite wanting to cry thinking about how life is treating her right now, she walks in the other direction while holding her guts.

"There she is!" She swiftly watches her back and notices those men running towards her.

"No," She cries softly, her eyes become wet yet she starts running.

Her body is literally on the verge of giving up but getting caught by them is keeping her from stopping.

She runs and runs and runs. Paying no attention to the threats and warnings she was receiving from the men chasing her, she didn't stop for a second.

But her heart stops. Her heart stops working for an instant when she feels an arm grabbing her and pulling her towards itself.

She stumbles upon a wall. Her screams muted as a huge hand rests on her mouth, gripping it tightly.


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