Chapter 72: Ice skating, closing the bakery, and getting Violina

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In the bakery, the bakery's all clean and Shang locked the door and flipped the open sign to close.

Shang: Another busy day. *He walked back to the counter.*

Marin: Guess we better tell Dad we're all done with closing. *He walks to the back kitchen, and he sees his dad, Timmy, Bridgette, and Mulan.*

Tom: Hey, sport.

Marin: Hey. We're done cleaning the front of the bakery and Shang locked up the bakery.

Tom: Good. You guys can relax. You can join them, Timmy and Bridgette. You helped me back here.

Bridgette: Okay.

Tom: Mulan, you and Shang can help me with the catering prep.

Mulan: Okay. I'll tell him. *She leaves the back kitchen and tells Shang. In the house, the kids walked to the kitchen.*

Tim: Hey, guys. You guys are done?

Marin: Yeah. Dad decided to close early to help with the food preparations for the Premiere party.

Tim: Oh.

Sofia: What movie is playing at the Cinema?

Bridgette: Fantastic Four. *She opens a bottle of water and drinks some.*

Timmy: I'm hungry. What's for dinner?

Marin: I don't think Mulan said what we're having.

Timmy: Oh.

Tim: If you guys are hungry, you wouldn't mind if I cook something?

Sabine: Oh, Tim you don't have to do that. I'm sure there's something in there they can't eat.

Tim: Nonsense, Sabine. I got something I want to share with you all.

Sabine: Share with us? What is it?

Tim: You'll see. Let's just say it's a surprise.

Sabine: Okay? (I don't know what he has planned for dinner. I know he better not burn my house down.)

Outside of the L'Artisan des Glaces, everyone started walking out of there and walking down the street.

Kim: So, what else can we do?

Alix: I know we got a lot of time before the screening. We could go ice skating and see if anyone else has something planned. *They agreed to that, and they head to the Ice-Skating Arena. Lila put on a fake smile, and she start to scowl and gritted her teeth too.*

Lila: (I hope that Maritrash won't be joining us. I don't want my last few days to be spoiled and interrupted by her! I hate her so much.) *In the Volcano Lair, the double doors opened, and it was Scarlet Truther and a new villain.*

Deker: A newcomer.

Scarlet Truther: Very funny. This is Violina. *Violina took a bow.*


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