Chapter 8: News from Bridgette and getting a new villain

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In the hallways, Bridgette walked out, everyone looked at her.

Marin: You, okay?

Bridgette: Yeah. Well, my mom called.

Sabine: What did she say?

Bridgette: She just asked me if I can stay here until I graduate.

Sabine: Will she allow it?

Bridgette: She said it'll be alright.

Sabine: We'll think about it, and we'll let you know what we think.

Bridgette: Okay. Better tell my mom you'll think about it. *She walks to the hallway and calls her mom back.*

In the Volcano Lair, Scarlet Truther looks at the monitor of Paris, so far, everything is quiet, but not quiet for much longer.

Scarlet Truther: Hmm. Time to get one of my villains out there. But who? *She thinks for a little bit and pops up the pictures of the new villains on the screen.* Hmm... which is a good choice? *She goes through the list, and she stopped at Killer Croc.* Of course, Killer Croc. He'll do just fine. Killer Croc, get out here, please? *Soon, the double doors opened and Killer Croc came out.*

Killer Croc: You called, Scarlet Truther?

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Killer Croc: You called, Scarlet Truther?

Scarlet Truther: Yes. You're up first to do a specific job, if you're up for it.

Killer Croc: Okay. What do I have to do?

Scarlet Truther: You are to destroy them. *She presses the button and revealed a picture of Ladybug, Black Panther, White Fang, Eagle, Viperia, Mister Quills, Blue Feather, Firefly, Flora, Leo, Dovelei, Espadon, and Roxy.* Your job is to take their miraculous but bring the fairy to me. I have a few questions to ask her.

Killer Croc: A fairy, huh? Okay.

Scarlet Truther: Okay. I know you won't fail this one.

Killer Croc: What do I have to do before I'm ready?

Scarlet Truther: Work on your powers for a bit. Think you can do that?

Killer Croc: Okay. *He walks away, and Scarlet Truther starts typing on the keyboard on the monitor.*

Scarlet Truther: Time for villain #1 to do his job.

In Alya's house, Alya and Lily walked in, she sees Etta and Ella playing together and her parents playing checkers.

Marlena: King me.

Otis: Aw, man. How are you so good at checkers?

Marlena: I guess it was just luck.

Otis: Luck, smuck. *He looked at the time on the clock.* Look at the time. I better get back to the Zoo. *He gets up and walked to the front door.* I'll be back by 7.

Marlena: Bye, honey.

Ella/Etta: Bye Daddy. *Otis grinned, close the door, and headed to the Zoo. In Alya's room, Alya gets on the computer and goes on her Lady Blog.*

Lily: You own a blog?

Alya: Yep. The Lady Blog. It shows the past akumatized villains' battles and even villains we have never seen before. I even created the homepage. *She goes to the homepage and showed Lily.*

Lily: Wow.

Alya: Just wait for the next battle. You'll never believe your eyes.

Lily: I'm excited to see that.

In the Volcano Lair, the double doors opened, and Killer Croc came out, all ready to go.

Killer Croc: I'm already.

Scarlet Truther: Already? Good. Henchmen, get the teleporter ready for Killer Croc.

Henchmen #1: Yes, Scarlet Truther. *He gets the teleporter started, it starts to whistle, buzz, and beep, then the teleporter bema appeared and beamed Killer Croc to Paris, France.* Teleportation complete.

Scarlet Truther: Perfect. Time to watch the action. *In Paris, France, the teleporter beam appeared near the Louvre, people exclaimed as they see a Crocodile monster, Killer Croc roared, and people, screamed and runaway.*

Killer Croc: Oh yeah! Time to get to work. *He roared again as people keep running away from fear, police came and surrounded Killer Croc.*

Officer Roger: Attention Freakishly large Crocodile, step away from the area. *Killer Croc's eyes turned white with gray pupils and growled and he start punching police cars, taking a bite of the hood and spitting them out, the police officers exclaimed and run away in fear, Officer Roger backed away slowly.*

Killer Croc: Deal with this! *He raises his fists and pounds them on the ground, the ground starts to griddle and crack, and Officer Roger fell back and looked shocked. He snapped his fingers and made Crocodiles appear.* Cover the whole city. I want the miraculous and that fairy. *The Crocodiles wander in the city, and Killer Croc roars louder.*

In iNews TV station, Nadja Chamack is broadcasting the news on TV

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In iNews TV station, Nadja Chamack is broadcasting the news on TV.

Nadja Chamack: Don't be amused, it's just the news. I'm Nadja Chamack here with some breaking news. It appears we are dealing with a Crocodile infestation all over Paris. No one knows who's causing it, but it seems to be something like this. *She showed them a picture of Killer Croc.* We go live with... *Soon, the cameraman screamed, Nadja Chamack looked and spotted a Crocodile on set, people start screaming and run out of the building, Nadja Chamack run too. Roxy saw the news and she go outside and see a lot of Crocodiles.*

Roxy: This is bad. Time to transform. Winx Believix. *She transforms into a Believix fairy.*

Cristy: What do we do? There are so many of them

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Cristy: What do we do? There are so many of them.

Roxy: Get some help. I'm sure they know about this. Come on. *They both fly up in the air. Meanwhile, the others did get the message and they transform, and the Pixies go after them too.*

Scarlet Truther's revenge (The one that lost hope: Trilogy) {MLB x Winx Club}Where stories live. Discover now