Rose involuntarily shuffles her handcuffs, trying to protect her ears from the blaring noise of gun firing. "Stop, please!" She yells again, a few tears dripping off her eyes.

"Shut the fuck up, bitch!"

"Get down!" The guy sitting across yells on top of his lungs, their action followed by continuous firing on the roof and side rail.

"Shit-" The car jolts, flies in the air for a few seconds before landing on the punctured tires.

He accelerated to the full speed to move faster but the action had a negative consequence.

The guy sitting beside Rose jumps uncontrollably on the guy sitting across, his keys fall off his pocket in doing and it goes unseen by him; but Rose's eyes catch its sight.

"Get your fat ass away from me!"

"Shut the fuck up, asshole!"

"We are surrounded." The driver states in a calm tone, making it more dangerous than all the shoutings and yellings.

"What are we gonna do-"

"Take the girl, this shit is dead." He spats, slapping the steering of the car.

"What? No-" Rose almost got her hands on the keys but the first guy snatches it before her. Reading her intentions, he glares at her before carelessly clutching her jaw, "I'm gonna have a little fun with you once we're done killing 'em all!" He speaks, Rose whimpers feeling the stinging pain on his tight grasp.

"Run, quickly!" The driver bawls running in the other direction of the chasers.

He jerks off her face and uncuffs her, Rose wraps her hands on her wrists reflexively before he yanks her out, holding her arm tightly.

"Leave me!"

"Say it one more time and I'll load out all the bullets in your unruly mouth." The masked man dragging Rose replies in no time.

"This way!" The guy leading whisper-yells before disappearing into the woods.

Rose turns her head behind; Are they here to help me? She thinks, her eyes glow brightly at the thought of someone rescuing her.

"Don't even think about it, slut!" He snaps her out of the few seconds of positivity. He seizes her neck from behind and pushes her forward to the path where the first guy walked on.


They were running off with Rose, not making any noise, "I informed boss, he is sending more men." The driver states, jogging off in the direction only he knows where it takes to.

Her body gives up, Rose was already numb inside as the fear was eating her out and this news only worsened stuff for her.

"Keep running-"

"I can't, my-" Her head yanks to the other direction, and then the burning pain on her left cheek, "Do as I say or I won't go easy on you next time!" He roars on her face.

"Please, let me go, I beg of you-" Rose cries out.

"Shut up, just SHUT UP!" He yells again, making Rose flinch hard; she wipes her tears off.

"Wh- What are you doing?" She freaks out as the same guy who just slapped her, grabs both of her hands.

"Putting the leash on, bitch!" He cuffs her hands again and starts dragging her.

She sobs, trying not to cry or beg them but the suffering is too much for her. What made her bear all of this? What has she done? She can't take her mind off these thoughts; even when she does manage to take her mind off, it is directly running towards the thoughts of what they're going to do to her once they've taken her to their desired destination.

Rose's ears push up before her head instinctively turns to the direction of a painful scream coming from one of the masked guys.

"What was that?" Her attention shifts to the driver as he alertly asks, no one in particular, looking in all directions.

Rose gasps when her eyes land on the man lying unconscious in a pool of blood. Is he dead? She thinks, her eyes couldn't get any wide.

Studying the features of her face, the other two men look in the same direction, "Shit!" One of them speaks before running to him;


"Leave him!" The driver speaks, "He is dead, we can't stop here, they're very close!" He starts walking again.

The second man growls in anger, he squeezes Rose's arm after storming towards her; despite her sniffling in pain, he begins dragging her, "You are going to pay for this." He states before meeting her eyes. A shiver ran down Rose's nerves, "But I-" She yelps in pain as he squeezes her arm even more.


The rest of the two guys managed to sneak out, whereas Rose was feeling miserable. Her legs are on the verge of giving up but she can't give up on herself without a fight.

Reflexively biting her lower lip, she tries to think of an idea to run away. The guy pushes her again, what he's been doing for a long time now, pushing her to walk faster.

"Don't touch me!" Rose yells, surprising him a little, they were expecting her to stay quiet like a frightened little girl.

"Oh," He smirks and pulls her closer with her arm the other moment. Watching Rose's feeble attempt to get away from him made him even more feisty.

"We got a plucky one this time, didn't we?" He asks, too astonished by her actions while Rose's eyes only reflected hatred and terror.

"Let go!" Rose spats, trying her best to look courageous in the eyes.


"Stop with this foolish act of yours, there's an army chasing us if you've forgotten!" The driver cuts him off.

"Keep walking, and you," He meets eyes with Rose before taking her into his custody. Although she disgusts both of them, she feels slightly relieved walking with the driver instead.

"Son of a bitch-" His voice choked itself. He gapes, blood spurting out of his mouth seconds later. Rose screams and backs off immediately but the driver gets a hold of her. She blinks, continuously watching the hole in the middle of his neck with her frightened wide eyes.

"Wh- What, How- Wh- Who is doing this,"

"He is dead!" Rose says it out loud, she takes a few steps towards the guy lying lifeless on the ground, but the driver wrenches her back and puts a pistol on her head.

Feeling the cold metal on her skin, her nerves lurch within and a short bleat leaves her mouth.

"Enough, whoever is there, get out or," He thrusts in the pistol even more in her skull, Rose closes her eyes reflexively.

"Show yourself now!" He yells, not realising his grip is getting stronger on her waist; Rose's lips part but she doesn't make any noise, the pain is increasing all over her body.

He cautiously scans his surroundings, to notice any movement but fails to catch anything.

"I'm asking for the last time," He breathes heavily, trying to remain calm.


"Stop shouting."  

Flower He Couldn't PluckWhere stories live. Discover now