New age- Lucy's POV

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Lucy's POV-

"There... beautiful," I whispered as I tied the braid in her hair off with white ribbon.

I stood up and smoothed my own long flowy white dress out. I glanced in the full-length mirror that was in front of us and took us all in. My girls stood before me with their hair braided nicely and decorated with white flowers, their own white dresses on, and the start of little smiles on their lips.

It had been a rough few weeks. Not only because we had to lay to rest our own fallen members, but we had also been travelling around going to different packs to attend their memorial services for their fallen members.

Kale and I felt a responsibility to have to help sort out each pack's hierarchy and help them learn how to function properly. It was hard work, but it was necessary. It had been necessary for us to go to every pack. Each pack that we went to we were greeted at first with malice and people on edge, but eventually they all warmed up.

I had been worried for Lexi and Thea at first. I hadn't even wanted to bring them with us due to the potentially dangerous situations that we might have been going into. I was going to leave them with Evanna, Wes, and Sam. However, they both hadn't wanted to leave mine or Kale's sides since the moment we declared ourselves as their guardians. They needed nurturing and they needed it from us.

Luckily, nothing too dangerous or drastic had happened in any of the Northern packs that we had visited. Us and our help had eventually been accepted by each pack quite easily once they realized that we were truly of no threat to any of them. That was honestly for the best because my wolf was feeling very overprotective and possessive of my new moon daughters. If anything had even remotely threatened either of them, I probably would have become unhinged and ruined the treaties that we were trying to put in place. It was getting worse as we spent time away from home. Ever since we showed up to the last pack, I had felt off and the power that was flowing through my veins was feeling even more powerful than normal.

Each Northern pack had accepted our truce and signed a treaty with The South. We were at the last Northern territory right then, waiting for the memorial service for their fallen. Then, we would go home and begin to prepare for the full moon celebration that was in just a few days. The ceremony tradition that all packs will come together in unity.

The Lawrence pack where we were residing, formerly known as The Russel pack, was faring nicely. They had decided on their new Alpha before Kale and I even got to the pack, and she was doing an excellent job at keeping the peace. Her and her mate were doing a spectacular job.

The two females really understood what it was to lead a pack together. They were both taking and listening to the pointers that Kale and I gave. They had adopted new pack rules and were implementing them seamlessly. You could tell that they absolutely loved their pack, and they would do anything for it, just how any Alpha couple should.

I was proud to say that Kale and I had made a difference. We had shown the wolves what it is to live in harmony and balance. Even through the power struggles in some of the other packs, we were able to solve everything peacefully. We were entering a new time of peace.

"I know..." Alpha Lawrence said as she began the memorial service solemnly. "I know that some of us want to blame and hate ourselves, or perhaps others, or maybe it's everything. It is natural to want to blame, hate, and enact revenge. I have felt it too. I too have felt the want for everything to make sense and for the guilt and hurt to dissipate," she admitted.

"The truth is... we lost people in our pack," she acknowledged. "We lost mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters all due to ignorance, blind belief, cowardice, lies, manipulation, and power-hungriness. No matter the reason for our losses though, we did lose them. We have holes in our hearts for our fallen pack members. It hurts, it bleeds, and only time will heal. But we will heal. We will look back on our fallen and laugh about our good times and love. We will remember the sad and hard times and give them the same grace and forgiveness that we would give ourselves. They are still here, within each of us, as we move into a brighter and new age of peace and understanding."

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