Crazy- Lucy's POV

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Lucy's POV-

I was so nervous. This plan was absolutely crazy. Don't get me wrong, it was a good and well thought out plan. However, that didn't mean that it wasn't crazy.

We were going after the second largest territory in The North. If we took this territory out from underneath them, it would mean that the only place left for them to fall back on would be the Russel's territory. It would mean that they'd all end up in the Russel's territory. They'd all be confined to one spot.

It was exactly what they had been trying to do to The South for years. The issue with that is that The South have much smaller territories and packs throughout the lands. We didn't have three or four giant packs surrounded by other tiny packs that relied upon the giant packs. The South had tried to make each other self-sustaining. We could all rely upon ourselves to protect, feed, and defend our own selves.

That is why The North went on to use such harsh and violent battle tactics. That is why The North had started to destroy each of The South's lands. They figured that if they couldn't get everyone confined to one space, then they'd destroy all of the lands as they went.

It was also how Kale's pack had grown so vastly. The South eventually began to feed into The North's plans. We still were feeding into those plans. We had three packs all joined together in one territory. I knew it was just a matter of time before they'd try to take us all down. That was why we had to get to them first.

"Hold on," Sam said slowly. "You're telling us that you want to take over the Rodman's lands then go after the Russel territory?"

"Yes... but not immediately," I said calmly as the warriors all looked at me like I was crazy. "After we hit the Rodman's land, I want to enlist the help of the other Southern territories. If they all see that we have made the whole north retreat to the Russel's, then even the packs that have been mostly staying out of the conflicts might help us. If they see that we actually stand a chance, they'll help. We need more allies and bigger numbers."

"This is fucking insane!" Wes said with a headshake. "I'm so in!"

"This almost crazy enough to work," another man said. "We're reversing their own tactics onto them. It's a good plan. That just leaves the question, can we actually overtake their territory?"

I took a deep breath. It was a question that had been making its rounds in my own head. The Rodman's pack was a literal war pack. They were not as big as us, but over half of their numbers directly contributed to combat efforts while we had mostly refugees, children, and injured members. I was going to let that deter us though.

"In every single on of my visions, we win," I said with a strong voice.

Some cheered at that statement.

"That doesn't mean that some won't die. In fact, many will. However, this where we have to ask the questions... Are you willing to sacrifice your life for the cause? Are you willing to lay your life down for the good of others? Are you ready to defeat The North and their barbaric destruction of our ways? I know that I am. I am willing to die in order for our young to have a chance at life... A real and loving life. I don't want more people subjected to the tyranny of The North. Are you willing to stand up for that?" I asked aloud.

Our people needed to understand that there were very real possibilities of death. They needed to know that the fight was not going to be easy. However, that didn't mean that it wouldn't be worth it. We had to fight for our freedom. Freedom sometimes comes at a cost... Sometimes that cost could mean death.

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