No Shame -Kale's POV

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Kale's POV-

As I ran, I couldn't keep my focus on anything but the tingling feeling that I felt throughout my whole body. I could still feel her touch everywhere and my lips were still on fire from the beautiful short kiss that we had shared. I wasn't sure how one girl could make me feel so many things, but it was an oddly amazing feeling.

I was disappointed in myself for my behavior when I found out that she couldn't shift... I just couldn't comprehend it though; I had never heard of a descendent without the capabilities to shift, even early Oracles who were wolves were able to shift into their wolf form. Granted, they were all blind... still, I shouldn't have gone off like that. I felt my chest on fire with the thoughts of the harsh words that I had said. I felt pain burning in my gut. I had never felt pain like that... especially merely for what I had said to someone. I felt it resonate through our bond and shook my head, I was an idiot for saying those things.

She might have calmed down when I took her into the woods, but my words were forever out in the universe now. They would always be there for her to remember. I felt awful and her hurt from my words still cut me to the core... even if she was over it, I was not.

That is, in my opinion, the greatest downfall of being an Alpha; tempers were constantly high, and I had an extremely tough time controlling my anger. It gets better with time, so I have been told, but every single Alpha that I knew constantly had to struggle against their heightened masculine animalistic side. Lunas helped, they were a moral compass to all, and no one could calm a wolf down like a mate... I had never understood what happened when two mates were in a fight. Who could calm you down when you are angry at the one person that always could?

I pushed myself further and faster as to run away from the thoughts about mates. I wanted to accept Lucy; if that kiss was anything to go by then she was the real deal. But her not being able to shift brought a whole new dynamic into the already seriously fucked up situation. It made me even more leery about who she was. Her story made sense, but so did all the others' stories from before.

I've felt her wolf, I knew she had one... but what if it was actually a spell and someone really had bewitched her into thinking she was my mate? She'd be the perfect specimen since her wolf was caged in and couldn't fully manifest to wholly embrace her instinctual side. I had heard of the sickly fake mate spells, I had no idea how accurate they were in mimicking the real mate bond, not that I had any idea what a real mate bond felt like. The spells were supposed to be forbidden, but witches who practiced such dark magic didn't care about rules. I knew that the north had at least one very dark and powerful witch on their side... what if this was apart of a sick plan like that. What if Lucy was just used as a ploy her whole life?

I growled at the thought and knew that I really needed to quit over thinking and pissing myself off. I was getting nowhere in loosening my tension with a run when these types of things were going through my head. I couldn't help it though; I was an Alpha who had to think about all possibilities in order to protect my pack... my family.

After another few miles I finally turned around in my vast territory to go back to the pack house. I knew that the pups play session would be happening soon, and no matter what bond Lucy and I had... I couldn't let her down. I also couldn't let the pups be afraid of me any longer; I couldn't let my pack fear their Alpha.

Luce was right, I had to give my pack something to fight for... I had to find something deeper than revenge to fight for. Luce was showing me that I had unconsciously let my pack slip behind my revenge plan when they should always be first and foremost in my mind and heart. It was time to let them know that they are my number one priority, every single wolf in my family was at the top of my list... all of them.

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