Remember me- Lucy's POV

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Lucy's POV-

It hurt. Severely. It hurt. My heart burned deep in my chest. It was excruciating.

"Luce..." I heard from the door.

I whimpered at his voice. I sunk further into the couch that I had been laying on.

"Oh my Luce," he whimpered as he came closer.

The closer he got, the more it burned. I couldn't help but to let out a sob at the pain. It hurt too bad.

"Lucy," he sobbed as he looked at me writhing in pain.

It hurt. The pain was harsh. Everything that I had went through never could have prepared me...

"Touch her," I heard Grandmama say from somewhere else. "Touch her, Kale."

The only thing I could do was cry. His closeness was already hurting me so much. I couldn't even imagine what his touch would do.

I didn't understand what was happening...

"C-Can I?" the question was hesitant and small.

I unconsciously nodded.

As soon as his hand made contact with my cheek, the burning lessened. I sighed in relief and leaned further into him and his touch.

The burn was still there, but it was less. The burn was still there, but his fingers dulled it.

He lifted my back from the couch and positioned me into his lap. He cradled me with care and kissed the crown of my hair.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I heard him whisper. I didn't understand... what had he done?

He cradled me as the burning continued to die down. It was no longer unbearable, just a dull ache. Still, it was quite painful and I was very confused too.

"Why don't you take her out to the garden. The flowers seem to really like her and vise versa, the nature will help her heal." Grandmama suggested.

Kale wasted no time and carried me out to the garden. He sat down on the grass with me still cradled to him, and then laid us both down onto the soft grass.

I felt the grass mold to me instantly. It cuddled me in a loving embrace and made me feel safe.

Kale's hands ran over my shoulders gently as he silently studied me. I felt his gaze on me as I stared up at the clouded sky. The pain lessened even more to a barely there hurt. Still, it was there, though.

"I'm so sorry, love. I'm sorry."

I nodded and rolled over into him. I had no idea what he was sorry about, but I forgave him no matter what.

Soon enough, Grandmama came out with some tea and someone walking behind her... Nat.

"Hi loves, we have a visitor." Grandmama said as she sat down next to me handing me a calming tea.

"Hey Nat..." I greeted as best as I could.

"What's wrong?" She asked instantly.

Kale looked down and I looked at him. He knew what happened but I didn't, so I looked to him for answers. He stayed silent for a long while before Grandmama prompted him to speak.

"I messed up..." He whispered. "Raven she... she was waiting for me in my office when I got back from my run."

"Oh Kale... you didn't," Nat said with a gasp.

"No, no... not that far but i..."

"I'm so confused. What exactly didn't you do?" I asked.

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