Second chance- Lucy's POV

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Lucy's POV-

"And here we are again," his dark voice that sounded like velvet spoke in an almost bored tone.

"Grandfather?" I asked even though I knew it was him as he helped me sit up.

"You just love this place, huh? If I had known that you'd be coming here so often then I might not have let you go so easily."

"I... I must admit that I don't really understand... What happened?" I asked.

"You took the little witch's spell as your own, Lucine," he spoke darkly. "She was almost dead. She was half in this realm when you snatched the spell out of her and into yourself."

"Oh yeah..." I said dumbly. "I do remember that."

"You sacrificed yourself. Did you just want to throw your second chance away?" He sounded angry. An angry underworld God was kind of intimidating, to be honest.

"It was what I saw! It was the only way! That's what my vision showed me. To be fair, I honestly didn't think that it would kill me," I defended myself. "I figured that the darkness lives within me and stays with me. I mean, the shadows are my friends and I love them. I just..."

"You figured that you could handle them. You figured that you could neutralize the spell," he finished the thought for me. "You didn't know that though. You knew there was a chance that it would kill you," he chastised.

"Look, I'm not going to apologize for protecting my pack member. Truthfully, I'd do it again and again for Evanna, Sam, and Wes. They deserve their happy ending; they've been through too much for them to not get it!"

"Lucine..." he breathed out in an annoyed 'I'm so sick of my stupid kid' sort of voice. "Do you not deserve a happy ending? What about Kale? What about the rest of your pack? If you die, you're leaving them without you; after they just got you back too. That's... the most selfish un-selfish thing that I've ever heard, Granddaughter."

"I... I know, I really thought that I could handle it!" I told him honestly with a slight sob as I thought about leaving Kale without me again. "I, I don't know- I-I really thought that I could do it... It was just a feeling that I had in my heart. I'm a Luna, Grandfather. First and foremost, I am a Luna. Before being a Goddess, Oracle, or Alpha... I'm a Luna. I'd sacrifice my whole being and world for the good of my pack. It's one of the downfalls of having a Luna heart. It's a bleeding heart, a sacrificing heart."

"It's a just heart," he sighed. "You're alive for justice. You're alive to right wrongs. That doesn't mean to sacrifice yourself and squander your second chance."

"I understand... I'm mortal. There's nothing like dying to remind you of how mortal you really are, huh?" I said sarcastically. "Who was I kidding? I'm not special. I-"

"Lucine, you are so special," he cut me off. "That is why you shouldn't waste your second chance. That is all I'm saying. I thought you were doing this for an ego boost. I thought you were trying to show everyone just how powerful you really are. I don't know why either. I mean, you're you. I should have known that isn't what you're about. I just wanted to make sure that you weren't getting caught up in the power."

"No," I answered him immediately. "I don't... I really don't even care about the power. Take all of this power away. I don't want it. Just- Just let me go back to Kale. Let me go back to my family. Please, Grandfather. Please! I haven't gotten to live my second chance yet. I just... I-I wanted Evanna to live too. Sam and Wes both deserve second chances too."

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