Reliant -Lucy's POV

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Lucy's POV-

I woke up for the first time ever with a smile on my face and a warm feeling in my heart. I felt safe, protected, and loved. Those were weird feelings to wake up with for someone who knew nothing but heartache and fear for her whole life.

I tried to roll over across my bed to stretch. However, instead, I ended up being pulled back by my hand and fell off of my bed. I expected to land on the floor, but I landed on a warm body instead.

"Oomph." Kale let out painfully when I landed on top of him.

I sat up as I rolled off of him and sat right next to him. I looked at him with my head tilted and an eyebrow raised. "Good morning?" I said questioningly with a little laugh. I looked at our still intertwined hands. After a few moments of studying the way our hands were connected, I let his go and stretched out my too stiff hand. It felt like it had been in one position for way too long. "Should I ask why you're in my room asleep on my floor?"

He looked sheepish at me but smiled up at me still. He sat up and rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes and tucked a piece of my long hair behind my ear. "I brought you to bed last night and you wouldn't let go of my hand without whimpering..." My cheeks lit up in embarrassment.

"Surely, you could have just left me..." I said quickly and looked down in shame at the weakness that I was showing.

"I couldn't have, nor would I have." He said immediately. "Grandmama told me that you have been plagued by sleepless nights because of nightmares."

"How does Grandmama know that? -Never mind, silly question, she's Grandmama. I should know that I can't hide anything from her."

"You shouldn't have tried to keep it as a secret. I've seen the way that your health has been being affected by your sleeplessness... I've been worried." He sighed and shook his head. "On top of all the stress your under, I'm not sure how you're not dead on your feet every second of every day."

"I'm used to it," I answered thoughtlessly. "I've had nightmares more often than good dreams. They're nothing new. In fact, I've had much more restful sleep here than I have ever had in my whole life... it's just nightmares."

"The fact that you think that this is okay and normal, makes me incredibly angry." Kale spoke slowly and articulately. "I want you to have a good life. I want you to rest. Every night should not be reminders of your old life. I could understand every once in a while... but every night? That is a problem."

I sighed and closed my eyes. The fact that I closed my eyes and didn't actually have to pry them back open once again was a whole feat. Every blink for the past few days was hard for me to reopen my eyes from. The good night's rest must have actually helped a lot. Who knew that sleep was so important?

"I have a session with Hannah and Grandmama today... I'll ask them."

"I'm coming with you to that session, by the way..." He said quickly and then backtracked with an afterthought. "I mean if that is okay? Grandmama wants to start working on a plan for my tie to Raven," He explained. "I figured that we could go to Grandmama's hut together. While you and Hannah talk, Grandmama and I could as well."

I nodded.

"And not good morning... excellent morning." He said with a smile and kissed my forehead gently.

I reached for him and hugged him around his neck. "Thank you for not leaving me to relive those awful memories," I found myself whispering to him softly.

"Never again, Luce."

"What are you two doing?" Her too shrill voice, especially when first waking up, said loudly as she walked up to the door which was left opened throughout the night.

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