Power- Lucy's POV

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Lucy's POV-

I felt the power flowing through me instantly. I felt the connection immediately. Everything was heightened and I felt amazing.

I felt my body tighten as soon as he pushed into me. As soon as I felt that magnificent pleasure pain of the beautiful mark that he made on me, it pushed me over the edge once again. I was taken high into a hard climax. It felt amazing. It was the best feeling that I had ever felt. It was magical.

He was still moving into me as I finally came down. It was a slow and loving pace, letting me ride out my climax fully. His teeth were still sunk into me and he was shuttering in need.

When he felt my body relax a little, he retracted his teeth from my neck. His tongue swiped over the wound as he cleaned the blood off the mark. My wolf closed the mark instantly leaving the mark sitting there prominently. It was going to heal into a wonderful showcasing of mine and Kale's connection.

Kale kissed the spot several times as he began to pick up speed. He pushed me further into the shower wall as he began to pound into me at a deliciously fast pace. His black eyes were on mine as he watched my facial expressions full of bliss. The sounds that were spilling from my lips were not voluntary, I couldn't have stopped them even if I tried.

His grip tightened around my waist as he continued to fuck me. His essence that I had received from his mark made me feel heady and it was almost like an out of body experience. I felt so many emotions and feelings flowing through me. It was so beautiful and pleasurable. It was absolutely the best feeling.

I felt my body begin to tighten again as Kale let out a guttural moan in response. I gripped his hair tightly and pulled roughly as my body was approaching the edge of another climax. The moan that left his mouth encouraged me even further.

My body was tightening even further as his brutal pace continued. I knew that this climax was going to be another immensely powerful one due to the shaking of my whole body. Kale knew that as well by the way his strokes were deepening and lengthening. He wanted me to feel every bit of himself and pleasure that he could give me.

I pushed my body more firmly against him as my hands unconsciously slipped from his hair and down his back. I was unaware when I did it that I had truly scratched him. However, the wonderful reaction from Kale made me do it once again. His hips stuttered and shook as he took me even deeper with a loud moan.

As my nails dug into his shoulders for the last time, my body shook around him like a leaf, and the pleasure was almost unbearable... I finally reached forward and sunk my teeth into his neck marking him as mine. My climax finally took me over the edge and egged Kale's on. Our dams broke at the exact same time as my mark was etched onto him. His moans prolonged the tightening of myself around him making him shutter violently in pleasure as his scent was firmly etched into me completely.

I finally pulled my mouth away from his neck and licked the blood off of his wound carefully. It closed before my eyes as I admired my mark on him. I kissed all around it lovingly making him moan once again. He stayed buried within me without moving as both of us came down from our earthshattering climaxes.

After a few minutes, I giggled softly before I kissed him passionately. He pulled out of me and kissed me back with a giant smile.

"Oh God, Luce," he moaned as he held me up against the wall still. "You... You are so beautiful."

He rested his forehead on mine as we both caught our breaths. I felt good. I felt amazing. I didn't feel scared or violated in the least, which was usually how I felt when thinking of sex. No, I felt loved and powerful. Kale made me feel amazing.

"That was... amazing," I whispered as I touched his mark on my flesh.

"Do you feel the power?" He questioned softly as his thumb brushed over the mark. "Because I feel the power of your pack flowing through me..."

"Yes, I feel everything. Our two packs will merge together. It's so amazing. I love you, Kale!" I finally answered with another kiss.

"Come on, love. I think you should get a bit of rest before we do anything else or go downstairs."

Instead of putting me down like I thought he would, he moved to cradle me in his arms as he kissed the top of my head lovingly. "I love you so much, my Luce."

He turned off the cold shower finally and grabbed a towel for the both of us as he walked out of the bathroom dripping wet. He sat me down on my feet carefully. I thought that I was going to be fine to simply stand, however, my legs shook violently. Kale quickly dried me as he supported most of my weight and then slipped one of his giant shirts over my head.

With only that single article of clothing on, he picked me back up and tucked me into bed. He kissed my forehead and then dried himself off quickly as well. He slipped on some pajama pants and got into bed as well. He cradled me to his hard chest as he stroked my hair and body lovingly. He kissed his mark in my skin several times and caressed it lovingly. I felt myself being lulled into sleep easily by his sweetness.

"Thank you, Luce. You are so amazing. Thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you for giving yourself over to me so bravely. I will love you forever. I will protect you. I won't let anyone hurt you like that ever again. You are mine, and I am yours. I love you, my little Alpha, Luna, and Oracle. I love you, my Luce."

With those words, I fell asleep soundly. I knew that I had a lot of responsibilities that I needed to worry about. I had two packs to integrate, there was an impending war in the horizon, and there were also my powers to worry about. However, in that moment, I just wanted to let myself lay with my mate. I wanted to let my mate cradle me while I took a nap. I wanted to believe for one second, that everything was going to be okay. I wanted to savor the completed mate-bond that we had just forged. I wanted to let myself breathe in and cherish all the love that Kale and I had just shared.

I had time to worry later. Right then, I just wanted to nap and let myself feel content with my loving mate.


Hey y'all! Sorry this one is a bit shorter; it's just where it naturally ended. Are y'all happy that they are finally together? Took them long enough, huh? LOL! Your comments encourage me greatly, so please don't forget to tell me what you think! I love y'all! Don't forget to vote, comment, and share! I love y'all so much!


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