Come back to me- Kale's POV

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Kale's POV-

We all went around helping the wounded and gathered the dead. The dead that we all helped create.

It is our nature to seek to blame. It is our nature to try to push the blame off of us. However, there was no pushing it off of us this time. No, this time, it was all of us. We all helped in killing and maiming each other.

As I moved bodies around, I mourned the lives that I took. Lives that I cut short. I had led my pack and other packs into this. I had helped push the hateful agenda and aided in the destruction. I had killed. I had harmed.

I was lost in my self-hate when I heard a loud pained howl. It was from my pack. It was from my Beta.

"Sam!" I yelled out and rushed quickly over to him.

He was kneeled next to a body sobbing. His cries were so strong and heartbreaking that I couldn't help the yelp of pain that I felt just from being near him.

"Sam," Lucy told him softly. She had already been kneeling down next to him and trying to get him to look at her. "You need to let her go," she tried.

"Not another one!" He cried. "Not again!"

"Sam!" She bellowed in her Alpha voice, switching from soft Luna to hard Alpha very quickly. "I said to let her go!"

He whimpered but did as he was told. Wes was kneeling behind him, lost in his own grief, but he still managed to wrap his arms around his fellow beta male. They were both devastated as Lucy looked over her friend, their chosen mate.

"She's not dead yet," Lucy announced in as loud of a voice that she could manage. "She's not gone!" She said louder as she frantically looked around, pushing people out of the way roughly. "WITCHES! WITCHES! I-I need... Evanna needs her coven! EVANNA NEEDS HER COVEN!"

It took barely thirty seconds for all of her coven to convene around her. The rest of us, including Lucy, who was beginning to lose her grip on her own tears over her friend, were pushed out of their way to create space around the fallen witch that had been adopted into my pack. I pulled Lucy into me, worried about my pack member and needing to simply feel her.

Evanna had no outer wounds. She wasn't torn apart, she wasn't bloodied and bruised, she didn't have a single cut on her. The only sign of something being wrong with her, aside from her being unconscious, was the black lines that were forming in her veins. It was as if her blood was being replaced by ink.

"It was Darcy. She hit her with a light eating darkness spell," one of the older witches spoke surely. "I... I don't know how to fight it. It's never been done before. There's nothing-"

"Love-" It was Grandmama who had spoken. Grandmama, who I hadn't even realized came along with us into the fight. "Fight it with light and love," she said and grabbed the witches' hands to insert herself into their circle around Evanna.

They stood around her for a full minute. A bright light encased them all and it was almost too bright to look at them. However, Evanna didn't change. Her veins stayed black, and she was unconscious.

"It's not that simple," Lucy said quietly with a sob as I looked at her swirling eyes.

She kissed me deeply before extricating herself from me. She calmly made her way to the light circle and let herself in. She didn't link hands like Grandmama had. No, she kneeled at Evanna's head and calmly put her hands at the witch's temples.

It was all in slow motion. Lucy walking, putting her hands on Evanna, and then the light that encased them all increasing tenfold... It was just like the sun. It was beautiful. It was blinding. It impenetrable.

"Evanna..." Wes whispered. "Lucine..."

I had no idea what was happening, but I knew that Lucy would sacrifice herself. That thought made my heart ache. She couldn't leave me again. Not in the middle of all of this. Not when we were finally getting our chance to live freely without the threats of war.

I needed Lucy. Maybe that was exactly why I had to be brave enough to let her go. I had to be brave enough to know that she would come back to me. No matter what and in whatever form, she would come back to me.

Just as that thought settled in my mind, the light exploded. It was nothing like the explosion from before. There was no combustion, there was no ash, there was no fire. It exploded with pure light and love that rained down around us. It was calm. It was peace. It was everything that we could ever want.

Evanna's eyes shot open just as Lucy collapsed. Her hands left Evanna's temples, and she fell backwards; laid out much like Evanna had been. The black flames that she had acquired after dying lit dimly in her hands as her veins turned black as Evanna's had been.

"L-Luce!" I cried, falling to my knees before her.

I wanted to fall apart. I wanted to howl, scream, rage, and lose myself in grief. However, I knew that I couldn't do that. I had to believe in her. I had to believe in whatever vision she had. I had to believe that she would come back to me.

"Come back to me," I whispered and put my hand right over her heart. "Lucine," I whispered. "Come back to me."

It was small. It started out as dim. It was barely there. However, it was there. A light shined out just underneath my hand. Then another one shone on her forehead between her two eyes. Then another one in her womb area.

The three lights were small. To me though, they were as bright as the sun. To me, they were all I needed to know that she would come back to me. My Luce would be come back to me. She'd always come back to me.


Hey y'all! Sorry it took me so long to get this up. I wrote a whole post about everything on my profile, so I won't go into that much detail about it. Buuuut basically, I was burned out. I will try to take care of myself better so that doesn't happen again, but please be gentle and understanding with me. I love y'all so much! Thank you for reading! Don't forget to vote, comment, and share!


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