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Lucy's POV-

Everything in my body hurt. My wolf cried out in pain as I tried to move. I was tired, tired of fighting. I wasn't loved, I wasn't nourished, I was barely living. I was ready to die. Everything was pointless, my whole existence was pointless. Was I just born to be a punching bag? That's what it seemed like. If that was the case then screw that, death would be a better choice. My choice.

My wolf: an extension of me, my more nature driven side, my more animalistic side, whimpered. She didn't want to give up, but even she was tired of this life. She was sick of being abused and used all of the time. She knew that we couldn't continue with this life and there was no end in sight.

I had to create my own end. I had to force everything to stop. My whole life was chosen for me as I had no choices given to me. It was time that I made my own decisions. It was time to take my life into my own hands. After all, I was officially an adult.... Happy eighteenth Birthday to me.

It took quite a long time for my wolf to heal me enough to move. After who knows how long, I finally got up and moved about the cell like room. I was literally kept in the basement like an animal... or a dead body.

I looked around the place, there wasn't much to it. The were a few blankets that I accumulated over the years, along with very few clothes. There was dried blood everywhere, my blood. There were some extension cords in the corner of the room and a few other miscellaneous items. The room was mostly barren, just like my life.

I searched around for an object... any object that could end my life. I didn't care how, as long as it would get the job done. I wanted to die and I wanted to die at the hands of myself; I'd give no one else the pleasure of killing me.

After a few minutes of searching and coming up empty my eyes finally landed on the extension cord. My brain put together the idea of tying it to the exposed pipes on the ceiling fairly quickly. I pulled the old rusty chair that I had been tied to countless times and executed the picture in my mind. I couldn't believe that this was it.... The end of my life. I was done, finally done.

I climbed onto the chair and stood there looking at the extension cord, my literal last life line. I reached out to it and as soon as my hand touched it to wrap it around my neck, my head filled up with countless pictures and too many words to make out. I was no longer in my jail like room; I felt as if I was flipping through time and space while pictures of different places and things flew past me. So many voices spoke to me at once and I felt like my head was going to explode.

Suddenly everything just stopped and halted including myself. Holy shit had I already done it? Was I already dead and didn't know it? Did I already kill myself?

"my child..." A beautiful angelic voice spoke to me.

I had to hold myself back from stupidly asking the single word 'mom' as a question. You see, I had never had a mother, not one that I could remember at least, so I had no idea if this was truly my mom or not calling from the afterlife. Something in my mind told me that it wasn't, that whoever this is was much bigger.

"Lucine Elara Smith...." The voice said clearly. I was very confused, I was assuming the voice was talking to me but I had no idea, the only name I had ever went by was Lucy. I didn't even know my last name, I always called myself Lucy Doe. "Lucine Elara Smith, my beautiful moon child, my chosen one, my mouth piece... do not do this; you will be saved my child, Just hold on." The angelic voice spoke again.

I felt like crying suddenly. I was so close, so close to death that I could almost taste it. "you have the wrong person, I am not who you speak of." I said although my lips did not move.

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