Forever- Kale's POV

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Kale's POV-

As soon as we stepped onto our own land, I could feel something was amiss. I could feel the pack's turmoil, anxiety, and worry. It made me speed up and try to get to the mainland quicker. I had thought that we were going into a time of peace and restoration! Why was everyone so on edge and sad?

What the hell happened while we were gone?

I was ready to lose it. No one was answering my pack-link calls, I could feel the struggles and hurt, and even Lucy wasn't helping as I asked questions to everyone through my mind. Something terrible must've happened. Something so bad that no one wanted to tell me.

I immediately felt my anger rising. We had just signed treaties with all the packs in The North. Not a single one had resisted us at all. Had that all been a ploy? A ploy to attack my home and take control...

That made no sense because I certainly would have felt the sting of an attack against my pack, no matter how far away I was. I would have recognized my home being invaded and my people being slaughtered, even if I was away. Not to mention, someone would have come to get me and my family from the other territories if something like that had happened...

I had my doubts about leaving my pack before we had gone after fighting such a long and grueling war. I had anxiety about bringing my new daughters with me, I had reservations about Lucy going, I had even suggested that we let someone else go in our stead. I was worried that something might happen and that my pack might've needed me.

However, we all knew that it was Lucy and I who had to restore peace and teach the other packs how to co-exist lovingly. We all knew that it was us who had to go. Unfortunately, it meant exactly that... We had to go.

As soon as we made it to the mainland, I had expected there to be a bunch of people from our pack to greet us. I had expected there to be plenty of people to fill me in on exactly what was going on. Instead, it was just Evanna, Sam, and Wes standing there while looking at us with hesitant eyes. Each one of their pack-links were shut down and it made me anxious as hell.

"Wh-what's going on?" I demanded as soon as I shifted back when Lucy got off my back.

I was barely containing the agitation of my wolf. He had been on edge practically since we had left our own territory. Now that we were back home and everything was feeling off, he was doubly agitated. I didn't like the feelings that were seeping into my chest from my pack.

"We'll take them," Sam spoke to Lucy after bowing his head to me in apology respect.

Evanna held her hand out to take the girls who had just shifted back and were standing next to us. They were looking extremely sleepy and exhausted from their long run and journey with us. They were practically dead on their feet.

"No," I said firmly. "You will-"

"Hush love," Lucy soothed me softly and touched my cheek.

She was sending me calming and quieting energy to me; I could feel it in her touch. I didn't want to feel calm and quiet though, I wanted to be mad at the situation. I wanted to understand what was going on with my pack. I wanted to understand the heaviness that was quickly settling withing my heart. I wanted to lean into my wolf's innate desire to have everyone explain it to me, so we could fix it.

"What in the hell is going on? Why is everyone ignoring my call? Why do I feel like something within in the pack has been lost? And what-?"

"Kale!" Lucy cut me off quickly. "I told them to do this," she said sternly but respectfully. "What have we been teaching the other packs for days now? Peace, Kale... Peace. I know that you're agitated, confused, and you can feel the loss in your heart, but this is not a time to lose your temper. Realize that we are all simply trying to help, and all will be explained once you are ready to listen to me and to your heart."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2022 ⏰

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