It was time- Kale's POV

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Kale's POV-

The week passed quickly. Only the high-ranking wolves knew what the plan was so far... We were keeping most of the plans away from everyone else, so no words got back to the traitor. I already had an inkling who that was, though. I could feel it in my bones. Lucy felt it. I had to believe her about it, she had yet to be wrong...

That was the reason why I was keeping my distance from the shady girl. Well that, and the fact that she tried to seduce me in a very underhanded way. Also, the fact that it hurt Lucy to see me with her. I didn't want to hurt Luce.

It was the night before we were to be leaving for the battle. I had been getting really crappy sleep that whole week. Between my own nightmares and the bleed through of Lucy's distress through our mate-bond, I was exhausted. All I wanted to do was sleep.

When I heard my door creak open soundly, I stayed still. I pretended to sleep to see if whoever it was would try something. It was when her scent hit my nose that I sat up quickly and in only one instant, I had her pinned up to the wall by the throat.

I growled loudly, not remembering that others were on my floor too. It didn't matter at that moment. At that point, I was so angry with the girl. What was she planning on doing? Killing me?

When I looked at her attire, I realized that killing me was not what was on her mind. She was going to try to seduce me once again. As if the last time wasn't enough! I wouldn't make that mistake again!

I tried to calm down. I tried to be rational. However, my body and my wolf were not cooperating. My hand tightened on her throat, hindering her breathing completely. I wanted to kill her. Honestly, fuck it...

"Kale, my love, while you are in proper protocol and justification to kill the girl if you wanted... maybe you should rethink it?" I heard Lucy's voice say and her scent surrounded my completely overpowering Raven's scent effectively.

I huffed. I didn't want to let her go. Everything would be much easier without the girl.

"Kale..." Lucy practically whispered and nuzzled her face into my neck.

That effectively made me drop the other girl to embrace Lucy with care.

Raven slid down the wall while coughing and sputtering dramatically trying to regain her breath.

I narrowed my eyes at the girl. "Now you see... that is who I love. The girl that came in here and saved your sorry ass even though she can't stand you. Her," I spewed hatefully.

I was so sick of the girl that was hindering mine and Lucy's already complicated relationship.

She just stared at me looking like she was going to cry. I felt nothing as tears formed in her eyes.

"That was a dirty move the last time you tried it too. Now you're going to try it in my own private bedroom in my own bed? That was an idiotic move. You're lucky that Luce came in when she did... otherwise, you'd be dead."

"I-I'm sorry," she said harshly. "I just... I wanted you to know how I felt before you went away for the battle."

"What, horny?" Lucy asked incredulously.

She bared her teeth at Lucy looking like she was going to attack her. I growled at the girl and pulled Lucy behind me in one fluid motion.

"I personally think that you're just trying to get on my good side because you're going to try to pull something. The plan certainly backfired. Raven, if you are going to be stupid and try something against me, Luce, or especially my pack then I hope you know that I will kill you. So very, very slowly and painfully."

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