Grey- Lucy's POV

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Lucy's POV-

I am alive.

I was given a second chance for a reason. I chose to come back. I chose not to stay dead. I chose to help bring balance back to the mortal realm.

I am alive.

Their lands reflected the death and destruction that they unleashed onto the world. They threw off the earth's balance with their awful power-hungry ways.

Power, just for the sake of control, would always be destructive. Power and control would never be able to defeat the freedom and love that every living being craved. The want to control everything would never be able defeat the beautiful chaos that this world is composed of.

We all want to be free. We all want love. We are all sovereign beings capable of ruling over ourselves. We all want to be able to exist in whatever way we want. As long as you are not hurting anyone else... Why is that not allowed?

Why is suppression what every person in power is aiming for? Why did everyone try to control everything? They all want to strip us of our individualism and destroy us by making us just like them. They want to make us compliant, easy to rule, and weak... All for power.

We are strong. We are brave. We are powerful. We could beat the suppression. We could beat the corrupt powers by banding together.

We all just had to come together to share the power. Not one is better. Not one is worse. We're all beautiful, and we all have a place in the world... Together.

We are one. We are all unique individuals who all make up the universe. We are all apart of one world. The ethereal realm, the mortal realm, and the underworld realm... It's all one. We're all one. We all depend on each other... We all balance each other.

The dark. The light. Me. You. Us. Them... One in the same. All together. There is no such thing as apart, just together.

Darcy's eyes bore through me. I could feel her dark anger directed at me harshly. I could feel her gathering up the shadows to attack everyone with. She was on a war path. She wanted to kill us all. She wanted to kill everything. She was out for blood. Specifically, my blood.

I didn't have to gather up the shadows; I had them within me. Everyone did, but I knew mine. I had walked with mine. I loved mine. I knew exactly what mine were. I knew my shadow's power. I knew my power. I knew my darkness, and I knew my light. I loved both. I loved all.

"There's been too many deaths already," I spoke finally. I at least had to try. I had to try to get them to listen.

"Not enough if you ask me," Darcy said, throwing a flicker of magic toward us. Kale instantly dodged the attack with a snarl.

"Who are you to talk, bitch? You have no right to address an Alpha, little slave," Alpha Russel addressed me firmly.

Kale growled at his words. He wanted to attack him, but I just laughed at the man.

"I am an Alpha actually, so I have every right," I shrugged. I wouldn't let his words affect me. I knew who I was. No one else could tell me who I truly was.

"Think what you'd like," he scoffed. "I do not speak to vermin and-"

"Then I shall not speak to you," I told him with a shrug. "To the rest of the packs behind you though, I shall speak to."

"I don't give you permission!" He bellowed.

"Funnily enough, I didn't ask for your permission," I told him strongly with a flick of my wrist in dismissal.

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