Develop- Kale's POV

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Kale's POV-

I watched as Sam brushed the little girl's hair back gently. I laughed as the little girl frowned at the attempt that he had made in braiding her hair. She shook her hair free of the atrocious braid and then turned to Evanna with questioning eyes. Evanna very gently and easily wove the little girl's hair into an intricate braid and tied it off securely. All the while, Wes stood there and entertained the small girl with games of rock, paper, scissors.

"I wish..." I sighed and shook my head. "I wish I could stop them from hurting... all of them," I told Lucy softly as I turned away from my hurting best friend.

"I know," she said gently. "There is nothing more that can be done. We just have to remember the fallen and know that we will all be okay."

"He lost his mate, Luce," I sighed with a wince. "I-if I lost you... I, well I don't even want to think about that."

"I know, love. There is nothing that we can do to soften his hurt," she sighed. "Did you know that Wes lost his mate too?" She finally asked.

"No... I didn't know that actually," I answered.

"Yeah, when my pack was attacked, he lost his mate along with the rest of the pack..." she explained. "And you know what they say about light witches... They're the earth realm's best healers."

I looked at her questioningly due to her statement.

"He's exactly where he needs to be with exactly who he needs to be with to heal in the best way. Plus, he has his whole pack and more here to back him up. He's not okay, but he will be. He will be okay because we are all here with him. He knows that we all need him. He knows that he has to go on for his mate and that little girl that she left behind. We just have to support him in anyway that we can. That includes loving him, listening to him, letting him be alone, and not judging him," she continued.

"What... do you see, Luce?" I asked her. She saw something. The way her eyes shined knowingly, let me know that was for sure.

"Nope, I'm not saying! It is but only one of the possibilities. I can't say while those involved have no ideas of it yet..." she shrugged and kissed my cheek with a grin.

Before I could reply, Thea came up to us and hugged Lucy around her hips. "Thank you, Lucy," she whispered to my mate. "Thank you for taking us all in."

"Of course, little one. Can I introduce you to one of my bestest friends? I think you'll like her a lot... We can all be bestest friends!" Lucy told the little girl with a grin.

"A friend?!" The little girl exclaimed.

"Bestest friends!" Lucy answered and led her over to Lexi.

I watched as she introduced the two little girls. They all talked excitedly together. Lucy was a natural with kids, and she knew just how to make them both comfortable. It was amazing to see her with that genuine Luna glow about her... She was absolutely spectacular in that role.

I knew that we needed to start getting her more comfortable in her Alpha position. We needed to get her more in tune with her divinity to get her powers flowing a bit better. She needed to get stronger if we were going to beat The North.

"She's... She's something," the new Alpha of the Watson pack said to me as he watched Lucy play with the two little girls. More children from all of the packs were beginning to play along with he three of them.

"She is," I agreed with a slight laugh as she acted so goofily with the kids. "She's everything."

"Alpha Burke," he said, his tone took on a much more serious tone. "Thank you for letting us stay here on asylum. I don't know how we can ever repay you."

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