Submission- Lucy's POV

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Lucy's POV-

Everything around me was a blur. The people around me were ruthlessly fighting each other to the death. The air smelled like dirt, blood, and sweat. It was harsh and wild. Everything was flying together. The wolves on their side, the wolves on ours, and everything in between.

I was left at the back of the pack, not seeing much action. Sam was back with me too; he was the one that was unlucky enough to have to guard me. Of course, he never complained. Guarding a Luna or Oracle, in my case, was a very high honor. It meant the ultimate trust.

I scanned the battlegrounds wearily. They sent out their army full force and our only half-staffed warriors were barely holding their own. I didn't understand... The Moon Goddess showed me that this was the path where none of my family died! I couldn't let them die!

A vision flew through my head. Five wolves coming to overtake me and Sam. I sucked in a breath and made my way closer to Sam, we shared eye contact and the men were suddenly upon us. Sam snapped first, breaking a neck with little effort. However, that sent three of the four left after him. They pounced on him with force.

The other one, stood before me circling with a snarl, but he never attacked. I gazed at the wolf in front of me, but I didn't attack either. We just circled each other seeing who would act first. I couldn't, though. I didn't want to hurt the wolf in front of me.

Suddenly, Sam's whimper caught my attention. One wolf was chomped down on one arm while another had the other. Then, the other larger wolf that had attacked him with them was standing there barking in order. I didn't need to be a part of their pack to know the order... kill.

I rushed forward and grabbed the large wolf by the ear, holding a dagger to its neck. However, the two other wolves were already beginning to pull Sam forcefully.

"No! STOP!" I said with so much force that my body buzzed along with that order.

Without further ado, the whole battle stopped.

I sucked in a deep breath as I looked around. All of my pack, except for Kale, had their heads bowed in submission. That didn't seem too strange to me.

It was the others who had me baffled... Almost half of the other wolves from the other pack also had their heads bowed to me. Everyone else who wasn't bowed down just stared at everyone who had in shock, completely stunned.

I swallowed hard. I was in shock too. What was going on?!

It was common knowledge that wolves did not show that kind of submission to someone who was not high ranking in their own pack...

One of the bowed wolves shifted while still in the submitted pose.

"Lucine?" He asked while slightly crawling forward. "Lucine?" He whimpered. "Is it really you?"

Kale growled loudly at the older man letting him know not to come any closer. The man stopped in his tracks. So, instead I walked forward slowly finally letting the large wolf go.

Kale growled at me as I moved forward, but I held my hand up to him as a warning.

I ignored him and just kept going forward. I didn't know what it was, but I also didn't care. I needed to go to the man.

The man stared into my eyes deeply. As he looked into my eyes, tears came to his. "Lucy..." He sobbed.

It was then that the large wolf that I had a hold of before came running towards me.

It was all such a blur. The warning vision, me being pulled behind the older man, him shifting back into wolf form, Kale and Sam running around the man and covering my back, and then four other wolves who submitted to me slaughtering the large wolf quickly with no hesitance.

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