Not broken- Kale's POV

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*Trigger warning!!!*

Kale's POV-

It was subtle, barely there. However, it was unmistakable. It was him.

I sat up with a growl wanting answers. I knew my eyes were black with rage as I stared at her.

Her legs snapped closed as soon as I sat up, letting me see her thighs, hips, and lower abdomen. I sucked in a breath as I looked at her lower half. Bitemarks marred the skin all around her most intimate parts.

I kneeled down in front of her once again. She tried to curl in on herself, but I caught her before she was able. I touched one of the bitemarks at the fold of her hip and thighs. I watched tears fall from her eyes as she refused to look at me. I slowly reopened her legs and saw bitemarks all up and down her inner thighs. I held back a sob at the sight of the overlapping markings.

"I can't get his scent off of me," she finally whispered. "It's constantly there, barely... but it's still there." She sobbed and hid her face as she brought her legs to her chest.

I stood up in rage and paced trying to keep my anger at bay.

"I-I can't get rid of his marks, I can't get rid of his smell, I can't get rid of his touch... I just want to be rid of him!"

"Luce... h-he... He forced you?"

She looked away from me as tears slid down her face rapidly.


"Over and over again," she finally whispered brokenly.

I growled harshly as I felt anger cloud my mind.

"He..." I was breathing hard trying to remember how to function.

"Yes... he forcefully fucked me," Lucy finally said bitterly. "But was that enough?" She continued. "No, oh no... He had to bring his pack in on it too. That was their reward sometimes, you know. Especially the top warriors. Oh, and Harrow, fucking prick." She growled angrily.

I felt my wolf trying to shift. I felt my resolve breaking. I felt everything in me being overtaken by my anger.

She finally looked up at me with a heartbreaking expression. "So yes, Kale, I'm tainted. I'm impure. I didn't wait for you like a good little Luna should... You didn't get me first." She sobbed into her knees.

I moved forward to touch her, but my hand was already beginning to resemble paws. I was going to shift!

"I need to run," was all I could get out before I had to leap through the window to complete my shift in order to not hurt her with the shift.

As soon as I hit the ground, I ran like a wild beast. I had so much pent up anger. I wanted to destroy Fleming. I wanted to make him suffer.

It took a long time for me to calm down enough to shift back. I was still so angry. No matter how many trees I destroyed, it didn't help. I had a burning rage in my gut.

"Kale," Sam said as he approached me cautiously. He could see how angry I was.


"What did you do to Lucy?" Wes asked abruptly before Sam said anything.

"What?" I asked angrily.

"She won't come out of your room. She won't open the door. I..."

"We're worried, Kale," Sam said quickly. "Wes is her Beta; he can feel that something is wrong... And I am your Beta, so I can tell that something is wrong with you. What is going on? How can we fix it? When Lucy is upset all of us are upset."

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