Grieve- Lucy's POV

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Lucy's POV-

The look on their faces was enough to make anyone fall apart. They lost so many. Too many!

When we finally made it to their inhabited lands, I fell apart right along with them. The flames felt like they were licking me, going up my legs and engulfing me fully. I felt like I had been there when their lands went up in flames. When their people died.

Dead bodies lined the area, making me yearn for their lives that had been lost. I felt the Moon Goddess within me weeping for her beloved creations. She wept for the senseless killings that had taken place. Her people were supposed to live!

With no words, a little girl, probably not even of shifting age yet, ran forward. Sam wasted no time and ran as well. I was sure that he was going to find his perished mate. His mate that he'd never know.

I squeezed Kale's hand, telling him that I was going with Sam through the mind link, and followed behind Sam silently. Sam and the little girl both stopped at the same body... The same deceased body.

"Laura," the little girl wept. "Sissy!" She cried and shook the body in panic.

"She's gone," Sam sobbed. "My mate is gone."

The little girl cried hysterically as he pushed the woman's body harder, willing her to wake up. I quickly grabbed the little one and cradled her to my chest, trying to comfort the distraught little girl.

"B-but... my sissy!" The little girl bellowed in grief. "My sissy!"

"Sam came up next to me and shushed the little girl. "Tell me about her," he asked gently as tears cascaded down his cheeks. "What was your sissy like?"

"Laura is the best!" The girl sobbed. "She took care of me when momma and daddy went away. My sister took care of me when they left! Then she didn't let them separate us! She brought me here when they tried! She told me that no one was going to take me away from her!" The little girl sobbed violently into my neck as she spoke. "But they took her away from me!"

I hugged the girl tighter to me. My heart was broken. She was too young to have to deal with that pain. She was too young to have to go through that.

Sam smoothed out her hair and hugged her as well. He was sobbing right along with the little girl. He lost his mate, and she lost her sister. I felt their grievances deep in the pit of my chest. It spread through my body even faster than the fire had. We lost more loved ones.

Sam took the girl from me and cradled her in his lap. She was his last connection to his lovely mate. She was the part of her that continued living.

I moved forward to his mate's body. She was burned on her legs and arms. Thankfully, the fire hadn't overtaken her fully like so many of the others had. She was a very pretty girl with chocolate brown skin and wildly curly hair. She looked fierce and warrior-esque. I couldn't help but to think about how perfect she could have been for Samuel.

Without thinking, I leaned my forehead onto hers. It seemed to be what the Moon Goddess was pushing me to do. Our third eyes touched, and I was thrown into a world of powerful scenes.

I watched as she protected her very small toddler sister, Thea was the little one's name. I watched as she grieved her dead parents. I watched as the fierce lady, at only seventeen, ran from the Northern territory with a small, three year old Thea in tow, vowing to never return to her old pack. She was ready to fight! She did not like the way The North was doing things. They tried to take her sister, the only family she had left, from her!

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