Switch- Kale's POV

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*This chapter contains sexual content*

Kale's POV-

I felt the distress before I came across her. It's really hard to explain, feeling the emotions of everyone in the pack. At first, it was overwhelming, but... It was getting easier to navigate. It was getting easier to separate certain feelings from others. I was beginning to learn how to send certain energies and reassurances over the pack link. It was freaking exhausting.

I had no idea how Lucy did it. On top of that, I didn't know how she did it so naturally and unconsciously. The girl had always given off good vibes and feelings of reassurances without even realizing it. She was such a good Luna.

For me, it didn't come as easily. It was hard learning how to be soft and vulnerable with people when I had been trained my whole life to be stern and disciplined. Still... I was finally getting the hang of it. Well, at least I thought so...

"Lorna?" I asked softly when I finally found her. I had felt the emotional turmoil from so far away that I had practically ran the whole way to the teenager. She was very upset.

"A-Alpha," she stuttered hesitantly and tried to stop herself from crying when I came into view.

"No, no... No Alpha right now. Just Kale, Lorna, I'm just Kale," I told her as I settled down next to her on the steps of a side door that was very rarely used. "What's wrong?" I asked the young she-wolf.

"I..." she shook her head and let out a puff of air. "It's stupid."

"If it has you this upset, then there is nothing stupid about it."

"I'm going to sound selfish and jealous. I am selfish and jealous," she sobbed.

I put my arm around the crying teenager and rubbed her shoulder supportively. "Those are valid feelings, Lorna. It's okay to feel those emotions... it's just not okay to stay in those emotions. What's going on to make you feel like that?" I asked kindly.

She shied away and ducked her head from me.

"Lorna, I promise that I won't judge you. I might be an Alpha, but I've done some stupid things in my life. I have absolutely no room to judge anyone's behavior. Talk to me. You obviously need to talk about whatever has you so upset, and I promise to listen."

"E-Eva found her mate," she cried into her hands. "Ever since the rest of the survivors from the gulch area arrived a few days ago, she felt the pull... And then she saw him today!"

I stayed silent for a few moments, hoping that she'd continue and explain her hurt to me. I knew that there were very many emotions running through her mind, I felt them deep in my chest. I wanted her to sort them all out for herself, but I'd help her if she needed it. She needed to be able to understand her emotional thought process. It was what I had been lacking all of my life before Lucy showed me how important it was.

"She's fifteen!" She sobbed. "She's barely fifteen, and already found her mate."

I let her cry it out on my shoulder as I stayed silent, sending out comforting waves of energy to the girl.

"I turn eighteen next week, and haven't felt a single thing," she said with tears still flowing.

"That's still very young, Lorna," I told her quietly.

"Not really... Not like it's supposed to be," she shook her head. "We've all read the mating books. Most everyone finds their mate by their eighteenth birthday! I only have a week!"

"Those books were written a long time ago..." I spoke softly. "That was during a time of peace. Yes, it is true that many do find their mates by their eighteenth birthday, but it is becoming more and more common to not find them until later. It's because it's more difficult to travel between packs. Plus, the northern borders are a no-go without a battle happening. You'll find your mate, Lorna. Just have faith."

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