With love- Lucy's POV

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Lucy's POV-

Kale had his arms wrapped around me firmly. He had very scarcely stopped touching me in some way, shape, or form at all times. He had missed me. I had missed him too... so much.

There, with him and my pack, was exactly where I belonged. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved my place in the afterlife, and I was excited to fill in my place... later. The afterlife wasn't where I belonged in that present moment though, I could feel that deep in my inner knowing. I belonged there, with my people, to fight for the love that we all deserved, that we all were.

I knew that I was a key role in the fight. I had seen it, I could feel it, and I would live it. I accepted that responsibility. It was what The Moon Goddess had in store for me since the moment I was born, and it was what I'd known since the day that I had almost cut my life way too short.

We had to win. We had things to fight for, and we couldn't let The North get what they wanted. As long as I was there, I would not let them win. Even if I literally died again, I'd defend my people and our lives. I'd support the balance in the world, and that would include triumphing over The North and their utter disrespect of the delicate balance. I'd be dammed if I let my people and my world crumble due to power hungry tyrants that had no clue what they were trying to do.

The North had no clue what they were doing to the world. They had no clue of their repercussions if they actually succeeded in their madness. They didn't understand the destruction that would follow if they succeeded in their plans. They didn't understand...

It's what I kept having to remind myself. I had to keep a gracious and loving heart because if I let the anger over their greed overtake me... It wouldn't be good for anyone. It would be so easy for me to hate them all for what they did, but if I let hate get into my heart... What would the difference between me and them be? A graceless heart, even for the greater good, is still just a graceless heart.

So, I had to feed my love for everything and all. That included The North. Because essentially, they didn't need to be persecuted or hurt, they needed help. They needed help to see the beauty in the world and the balance. This life isn't about being 'better' or 'powerful' it's simply about love. It's about loving all and emanating that love to all things... Even the things that we don't perceive as worthy.

Everything is worthy and it all has its place within this world. We all have the capacity to love and be loved. We all just have to remember who and what we are... We are all love. We are all love, and we are here to remember exactly who we are. Past everything, all the labels, all the things that we think we are... We are all simply love. We are simply here trying to remember that about ourselves.

"Ready?" Kale's voice cut through my thoughts.

I looked before us and saw everyone ready to fight. We were all ready to stop the unjust from prevailing.

"We're still treating this as all the other fights before..." I announced before I led us onward. "We give them the chance to surrender."

There were several protests from the crowd due to my words.

"We are not them," I yelled. "Yes, some of them have done some terrible and awful things, but a lot of them have not. Some of them have no clue what they are even fighting for, they're simply following orders. We will give them the option to surrender. If they do not, only then do we take matters into our own hands. We are not only fighting for love, but we are fighting with love. Dig deep and find that grace deep within your being. I know that they have hurt all of us, but we cannot fight from hurt. We will only win from love. We have to show them what love looks like because many of them have completely forgotten or have never even witnessed it before. Is that understood?"

"With love... and love alone," one of the other Alphas spoke. "We stand with you in love."

"With love," everyone else yelled to us.

"So... here we go with love," I said as we all marched out of our territory to go to stop The North.


"There it is," Sam snarled and began to walk forward.

"No, no, no," I told him firmly and pushed him back before he could cross a pack border. "No!" I exclaimed as he began to try to go forward again.

"They killed my mate!" Sam exclaimed just as Kale and Evanna came up to us to help me restrain him. "Let's go kill them!"

"Stop!" I said strongly. It was an order, everyone felt it.

Sam just glared at me as I held my palm up on his chest. Still, he did stop trying to go forward due to my order.

"What are you going to do?" I yelled. "Go in there, ruin the plan, and mindlessly attack?" I accused. "The sun is barely setting, Sam. We have to wait... And you have to find your compassion, love," I told him and moved my hand from his chest to his cheeks. "Laura is gone, I know that it hurts, but you cannot go forward with that hate in your heart. It is going to weigh you down and hurt you. It's going to ruin you and everything that you have built. They've taken so much and hurt so much, and we can't do anything to fix that... Do you know what we can do though? Move forward with love and grace. We have to show them that they have not dulled our shine. We still love, and we are not afraid do so. With that love, we can forgive and move on. We can heal. Love can heal what hate divides, Samuel."

Sam just stared at me for a few moments. His eyes were teary as he looked from me to Evanna and Wes. "Love can heal what hate divides," he spoke slowly. "We wait until the moon rises."

I breathed a sigh of relief and let Sam go with a kiss to his forehead. Evanna sighed in relief too as she leaned on Wes and wiped her eyes free of the tears that had been forming. Sam walked forward to them and kissed Evanna's head while squeezing Wes' shoulder.

"Love can heal," he said, mostly to himself. "I love you both. Y'all know that, right?"

"We know," Wes smiled at him.

"We love you too, silly," Evanna said with a grin and put her hand on his forehead.

"If anything happens..." he started.

"Then we all know and cherish all the love that we have shared together," Evanna cut him off. "We'll fight together, just as we have loved together."

I left them to their moment and walked away with Kale's hand in mine.

"If something happens..." he trailed off.

"Exactly as Evanna said, love," I told him and kissed his lips softly.

"I... I don't think I can lose you again, Luce. I just-"

"We're okay, Kale. Whatever happens is exactly what needs to happen," I spoke to him calmly. "No matter what, we're okay. I love you and that's all that matters."

Kale kissed me firmly as we all settled down to wait for the perfect moment to go on with our fight. It was the first step to win. It was just the first step. We had a long night ahead of us...

We all waited there for hours. It felt like days as we waited and waited. The sun had set, the crickets were chirping, and the moon was just beginning to rise. Just as the moon was beginning to reach above the trees, a vision came to me.

It was time. It was time to fight. It was time to stand up. It was time for balance.

It was time for love to win.

"For love," I said as we gathered everyone together. "We fight tonight for and with all the love that we truly are."


Hey y'all! Sorry... I have been having a bit of a rough time with my dog dying, some personal stuff coming up, I burned the crap out of my hand, and just general exhaustion. I love y'all and I thank everyone for their patience. I know that it was a bit short, but that's just where it ended naturally. Let me know what you think! Don't forget to vote, comment, and share!


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