I know- Kale's POV

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Kale's POV-

We made our way back to our own pack territory with heavy minds, bodies, and hearts. Don't get me wrong, it had been a good turn of events and the war ended much better than we had anticipated with many fewer deaths. The fact is though... We were still hauling numerous dead pack members to our homes to bury. We had still lost countless, valuable people. People who we all loved. We all lost parts of our family.

It weighed heavily on my heart. I felt the grief from everyone around me. I felt their sorrow and hurt as plain as day. I knew that when we made it back to our territory, it'd be even worse and more overwhelming.

As soon as we stepped into our territory, the anxious energy was suffocating. They hadn't a clue what had happened since we had no real way of contacting them until we were close enough for mind-link to work. We hadn't been able to bring phones with us because werewolves were sensitive to the frequency that they transmitted; they would have felt us before we wanted them to, and we had wanted to be stealthy and undetected when attacking. Unfortunately, that meant that my pack had to just wait. Waiting for your loved ones to come back after war was so anxiety inducing and maddening.

As soon as we broke out of our own thick forest, people from all the packs were gathered around. They had all gathered as soon as they felt us close enough. They wanted to see the damage. They wanted to know all our fates and futures.

We quickly stopped when we got to the group. Lucy had slid off my back almost before I had come to a complete stop.

"Triage! Triage!" She called loudly.

There had been several people from our pack and our allies that had been severely hurt. We had patched them up enough to get them home, but they were still in critical condition. We needed to get them to our pack hospital to get treated. We had to pray that we could save them all...

Most all of us had injuries in some way. I had scratches and claw marks all over my chest and back. Sam had a broken foot and dislocated shoulder. Evanna had rows of magic lashing marks all down her arms from the dark spells that she had encountered. Grandmama had claw marks sliced across her face. Lucy had the same lashing marks that Evanna had except hers were concentrated more on her shoulders and back, and they all had turned a black color due to the dark spell that she had taken for Eva; the dark spell that still coursed through her veins even now... Lucy also had regular gashes and cuts from the things that Raven had magically thrown at her all over her body.

None of us were that bad off. It could have been worse. I mean, Alpha Blue had a gash the size of a fist in his chest where someone had reached in to pull his heart out. Luckily, Wes and Blue's Beta saw what was happening and helped get him out of the situation together. Blue hadn't lost his heart, but he was slowly bleeding out due to the hand-size hole.

Trevor, my third-in-command, had the whole side of his torso torn open. Before we carried him home, we even had to stuff organs back into his body. Luckily, his wolf had already begun healing him.

"Cory..." Nat whispered with a white face.

"Natalie, focus," Luce said in a strong voice.

"Cory..." She whimpered as Lucy directed the person to take him towards the hospital.

"He will be fine," Lucy told her. "His wolf is already healing the wound. There are others that also need help... Others from your pack. Nat, focus.

Cory had a literal piece of his neck bitten off. Luckily, a few of the witches had been near. They were able to get the bleeding under control before he bled out. Now, it was a matter of healing. He was critical, but he wasn't as bad off as the guy who had a literal tree limb still hanging out of his stomach.

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