Sick need- Kale's POV

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Kale's POV-

"So..." Grandmama said when she sat down in the grass. I followed her example and took a seat too. "Let's hear about it."

I looked at her with trepidation. I wasn't even sure where to begin... I took a deep breath and sighed it out.

"Kale, love, I will not judge you. Tell me what is going on. Keeping everything inside will only harm you."

"I don't know where to begin, Grandmama. Everything is messed up and I'm not sure what to do."

"What does she make you feel?" Grandmama asked softly.

"Raven is..." I sighed trying to find the words. "She's truly beautiful but..."

"Not as beautiful as you find Lucy to be." Grandmama finished for me.

"Yes," I shrugged. "I'm not sure if it's because I know Luce more. I mean, part of what makes Lucy so beautiful to me is her beautiful soul that she lets shine through... But even when I first saw her, malnourished, bruised, and weak; she was breathtaking to me." I looked at Grandmama thoughtfully. "However, with Raven, it's much more... animalistic. I find her incredibly beautiful, but not in a soul-calling type of way..."

"In an innate you want to sink your body into hers type of way?" Grandmama asked.

"Yes! Its like she calls to my wolf and it can't seem to resist the smell and temptation of her! I find her intoxicating and sometimes all I can think about is her... Wanting to hold her, love her, and mate her. I want her, but I need Lucy."

Grandmama winced and sat in thoughtful silence for a few moments. "It sounds like mating spell, Kale. However, a much, much stronger and darker mating spell." She sighed and shook her head. "For it to even be in competition with a true mate bond... it must be extremely dark and powerful."

"What do you mean?" I asked because I had no idea about mating spells in general other than they were prohibited.

"Mating spells are quite famously ineffective if the target has their true mate in any vicinity near him or her. The spell can't copy the true feelings of a mate, just the incessant need to mate. The spell has quite often been broken by a person's true mate coming up and pulling them out of their enchantment. It is completely unheard of for this spell to even be able to hold a flame to that of a true bond. For you to be this enamored and called to Raven while Lucy is around, is supposed to be impossible..."

I stayed silent as I thought this over. "Is Lucy even my true mate then... if she can't break this bond to Raven?" I felt angry because if she wasn't... then I fell for a complete lie.

"Only you can answer that, love." Grandmama told me calmly. "I will tell you, though, that she is a true Oracle. She truly is connected to the Moon Goddess. I don't know if that makes her your mate, but that makes her an asset. Lucy is just as lost as you are, if not, more so. You know that I am an excellent intuitive judge of character, and I know that Lucy truly has the pack's best interest at heart." She paused as she studied my angry face. I already felt so played. "Do not lash out at her for something that is not in her control, Kale. She knows nothing about this, just as you. She is the one suffering the most because of this. Do not react like a brash and harsh Alpha at this current information. She loves you whether you are true mates or not, and you know that..."

I sighed knowing that this was true. I couldn't shake the absolute need to protect my pack from these women, though. I felt lied to and that made me protective. Though, in the rational side of my mind, I knew that Lucy had nothing to do with any lies.

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