Tactics -Lucy's POV

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Lucy's POV-

I sat in the small shallow pool, making sure not to get my stitches get too wet as I played with a few of the little ones that were in there with me. They were all having a blast as they happily splashed in the water. I was having a blast with them as well.

I had never really been around kids before, so it was a shock that they actually liked me. One of them, a little one-and-a-half-year-old named Kai was even curled up in my lap, happily just sitting there with me holding him. It was amazing the protection and love I already felt for all the children, I knew I could never let anything happen to them... I wouldn't let anything happen to them.

By the time Kale had finally gotten me downstairs and to the play area, a lot of the adults were there smiling on at their kids or playing with their friends and family. It was a beautiful sight; Kale was beside himself in happiness at the positive response to everything. I was happy that he was becoming more attuned to his pack, it was a needed thing.

Now that I had him focused on the happiness of the pack, we needed to talk about the impending war and how we were to proceed in our efforts to defeat the north. Kale had taken on a very savage type of fight against his enemies, all must perish and no prisoners. I, however, knew that was not the way to win the war. This was not the way to go about life at all.

Kale was angry by whatever happened to his pack, understandably so, but he couldn't let that rule as he defeated the north. The death and destruction were something that the Moon Goddess and I were truly against... on both sides. We couldn't let a few bad seeds and a tyrannical system be the demise of so many innocent northerners, there we many good beings within those ranks who had no choice or were ill informed. We couldn't let senseless deaths befall our whole race as wolves.

I looked at the beautiful babies that surrounded me and could see the future within them, we would change the way the world was going for them. I wouldn't let them be used and abused like me. The north and their evil narratives were to be stopped. Whether Kale accepted me or not, I'd be dammed if I let the state of the world crumble to pieces. I wouldn't let that horrid potential future that I had seen in one of my visions become true. I had a duty to these pups not to let it happen.

I felt another head rest upon my crisscrossed leg and another lean against my side. I smiled at their worn out but happy faces and brushed my hand across their innocent little faces. "Aw, are my poor pups tired?" I cooed making Kai sigh and snuggle deeper into me. "How about we go get each of your momma's and let them get you to bed. I do believe it is past your bedtimes." The six babies in the pool with me all tried to put up a fight but failed when they were too sluggish to even hardly move.

I grinned at the pups and found Kale with my eyes; he was already looking my way. I felt heat in my cheeks with the possibility of how long he had been watching me. I shook that feeling away and waved him over to help me disperse the babies to their parents, respectively. I told him my predicament and he gently picked two up and called Sam over to help us. We all got the babies to their parents, practically each one of them were already asleep by the time we got them to them.

"You were really amazing with them." Kale told me kindly.

"Yeah, most of the kids are weary of new people because of how big our pack is, they warmed right on up to you though. You must have the magic touch; like I said before, you'll make a great Luna." Sam added and smiled at me before walking away back to where he had come from.

Neither Kale nor I said anything for a while as we observed the rest of the pack having fun. "Thank you," Kale finally said and looked at me. Before I could question his thanks, he continued, "For all of this... you are so special, and I am so sorry that I am being so difficult. You are so spectacular, and you deserve someone else, someone better than me."

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