Discussion- Lucy's POV

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Lucy's POV-

"Lucy, baby..." I heard through the hazy dreamscape that was trying to keep me under. "Luce," he said again with a slight shake to my body. The dream faltered slightly, but I could still see the terrors before me. They were hunting me down. "Lucy love, I'm here. You're here with me," his voice said, finally fighting away the rest of my nightmare. "You're not there... I'm here with you," Kale whispered as he rocked me gently.

I breathed deeply as I felt the calming energy that he was exuding through our new official bond. He was fighting away my night terrors with calmness and love. I felt my whole body relax in response to his reassurances. It was okay. I was okay. I was there... with my mate.

I finally looked up into his hazel eyes and found only softness and tenderness there. He was gently running his hand through my hair while studying me. His eyes were completely relaxed and open to me. They were full of so much love.

"Hey there, sleepy head," Kale joked with a kiss to my forehead.

"What can I say? Our previous activities really wore me out," I teased with a shrug as I kissed my mark on his skin. He shuttered instantly.

"Lucine, I suggest you don't do that if you want to leave this room anytime soon," he groaned as his eyes got darker.

I pouted in response, but I knew that we needed to go out of the room to show off our new bond. I just really didn't want to do that... I knew that we needed to, but there were going to be questions, comments, and stares. I didn't want to deal with the real world yet. I was perfectly happy in our little bubble. However, I knew that we had things to do and The North to defeat. We couldn't exactly do that from our bed.

Kale snickered at my pouting. "Calm down, love... We can continue this later," he reassured as he kissed his own mark on my neck. I sucked in a deep breath at his arousing words.

Before I could get too pulled in by his lips, I got up out of bed. My legs still had a slight shakiness to them, and I was sore in several places. It wasn't too bad, but I was still exhausted, and my body was tired as well.

Kale was quickly behind me, steading me easily. "I got you, Luce," he reassured me. "Just sit, I'll go grab you some shorts from your room. We need to discuss our relationship changes, but we can do that after dinner."

He proceeded to throw on a shirt then went next door to my room. When he came back, he slid on some cotton shorts for me and helped me stand up. He smoothed out my hair gently and put it up in a high ponytail for me as well. When he was done, he kissed the back of my neck lovingly as he moved my long hair over to my other shoulder to be sure that my mark was on full display.

"I think I want to cut my hair," I said nonchalantly, trying to ease the tension in the room.

"I think that whatever you do will be lovely," he replied as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Don't you think that maybe I should put something better on?" I asked softly as he led me towards the door.

"I think you look amazing," Kale shrugged.

"As endearing as that is... Look at you then look at me," I said exasperatedly.

True, he was still in his pajama pants, but somehow, he managed to look flawless in them. His shirt that I had on was oversized and wrinkled on me and my shorts were covered by the big shirt that I had slept in. I looked so disheveled compared to him.

"You look amazing, my beautiful Luna," Kale said and pecked my lips. "Besides, my clothes suit you so well. My scent really enhances yours too wouldn't you say?"

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