Who is this? -Kale's POV

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Kale's POV-

"You are a savage, a true savage." Sam told Lucy loudly making her let out a cute little snort at his assessment. "Honestly, I thought she was going to shit a brick back there!" Lucy rolled her eyes as she put another tray of sandwich meat that she helped prepare out on the bar for lunch that was about to be ready. "And the way you handled Kale," Sam said unaware that I was listening to the conversation right outside the kitchen door. "...while I don't think that it was completely fair the way you shunned him without listening to an explanation, you have some balls to put him in his place like that! You are a brave little Luna, though a queen is more fitting." Sam concluded excitedly.

Lucy finally turned to Sam after she finished putting the trays out on the bar. "I am not Luna." Lucy said patiently as she looked up to my Beta with a small smile but then it vanished after a few seconds. "And I don't think that what I told Kale was unfair at all. If I had been in my room by myself with an unmated male, he would have lost it, and that's without even having a bond with someone... that just adds a whole other layer to my anger."

She huffed out with her arms crossed. "She has him enchanted. I don't like it, and I'm allowed to be mad about it. No matter what you or he says about it. If this were the other way around, someone would have already wound up dead. Instead, I'm sitting here playing the good little she-wolf while Kale tries to figure this whole thing out. However, my patience is wearing thin, and if she continues goading me, everyone will find out real quick what happens when my resolve snaps." She enunciated each word perfectly with a wild edge to her voice making a shiver go up my spine.

"Plus, she smells." Sam let out a loud laugh at that statement.

I walked into the kitchen after that and she stared at me hard. "I'm sorry," I said quickly with my eyes casted downwards in shame. "She ambushed me, I didn't invite her in there or anything."

"Yes, and she is just soooo much stronger than you so you just couldn't possibly get her out of there." Lucy said sarcastically making me close my eyes even harder in annoyance and lots of more shame.

"I'm sorry," I said meekly again.

"Whatever." She stated and rolled her eyes while leaning on the counter of the kitchen.

"I made sure she put your room back together correctly and left the windows open to air the place out since her scent repulses you... Sam was up there with us the whole time." I said trying to placate her.

"Good," she said shortly with a nod.

"Luce," I said exasperatedly trying not to sound pathetic, but I knew that I did.

"Kale," she copied my tone with her arms crossed. She then took a breath and her frown softened. "I'm sorry..." She said and crossed over to me. "This is difficult, I trust that you understand that..."

I grabbed her hands and brought them up to my lips kissing her knuckles softly on each hand. "I do..." I said softly. "I don't like it either... I agree with you, I think she has some sort of enchantments on her that affect me."

Lucy snorted at that and let out a laugh making me raise an eyebrow at her. "Sorry, that's just exactly what you said about me before."

I looked down in shame again.

"Come on, let's eat lunch then we can discuss your findings from the interrogation." She bid me and led the way out of the kitchen.

When we entered the dining room, her whole body tensed along with mine. I deeply frowned when I saw the seat that Raven had chosen... the Luna seat. Granted, lunch was a very informal affair, seats were not assigned, but traditionally the Luna spot was always considered the seat on the left side of the Alpha's seat. Lucy looked to me and then back to Raven before storming away from me and to the food. I sighed and rubbed my face, this was stupid.

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