"We heard about the shooting of Tyler Lockwood were any of you shot down?" Rebekah asked.

"Yeah only I and Damon got shot playing hero. But we're fine thank god. Only thing I'm concerned about is who the hell this guy is." I said as Nik and Kol walked in.

Looks like they've made up Kol looks like he's just been threatened oh great..

"We haven't found out a lot about him he's very under the radar he's good" Nik said.

I sat quietly while they discussed the information they've found on him he's definitely the one who blew up founders council anyway.

My phone began to ring so I pulled it out seeing Stefan's name. I frowned I hope nothing's wrong.

I stood up and walked over to the side of the room while Rebekah continued talking.

"Stef what's wrong?" I whispered.

"Hey are you home?" He replied.

"Yeah why?" I said.

"Come down to the school." He ordered.

"Eh...why?" I chuckled.

"We're having a little thing. We want you here. I want you here ." He said and I looked to Nik who was now right beside me listening intently then shaking his head.

I gave him my big puppy dog eyes and smiled. He sighed nodding hesitantly stepping closer to me.

"I'll be there in five" I said hanging up.

"Any sign of trouble you know what to do right?" He whispered the others had began talking louder now.

"Yes. I know" I said and he kissed me softly. Then whispering in my ear something the others wouldn't have caught.

"Don't be long I have a surprise waiting for you in our room." He said.

I chuckled kissing his mischievous face and skipping out.

As I pulled up to the school I saw everyone gathered at the lunch tables.

I saw Damon getting out of his car he smiled and walked over to me opening my door.

"Do you know why we're here?" He asked I shrugged.

"Knowing Stefan it's probably something cheesy" I whispered as he gave me his hand hopping out of the car.

"I saw your knight in shining armour this morning at the church" he said with a smirk and I shoved him as he laughed.

"Aria hey. Damon " Stefan said smiling sweetly at me but glared at Damon as we came to the table.

Jeremy, Matt, Elena, Caroline and Bonnie were gathered basically the whole Scooby doo gang.

"What is all this?" I asked.

"Stefan?" Damon pushed.

"We're finishing the memorial we didn't get to have earlier" Stefan replied holding up some paper lanterns.

Damon rolled his eyes as Stefan continued.

"We need to start healing. We've all lost so much especially recently. I think we're numb to it" Stefan said.

He's right.

"We push it away, we make a joke of it ignore how we feel." Stefan said he was looking a lot at me during that sentence.

"It's time to just let ourselves grieve" he said.

Damon chuckled "So you're lighting lanterns?".

Aria Salvatore x Klaus MikaelsonUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum