"Okay keep me posted, where's Damon?" I said.

"He's investigating about mother look I'm sorry about last night I didn't mean to fight with you, just that woman can't be around us not after what she's done" he said and I sighed.

"That woman." God Stefan won't ever trust her I know him.

"Yeah....look I better go I'll see you at the church" I said biting my thumb.

"See you there...oh and Aria" he said and I smiled. "

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Quit biting your thumb." He chuckled and hung up on me. He does know me a lot better than I think he does doesn't he.

I let my hair fall down long and wavy as I got into a black dress. It was knee length I can't have Nik giving out about to much skin.

Everything with the funeral today is making me think so much about Ric. I wonder if he's keeping his promise? I miss him. No stop thinking.

Onto other things I have to deal with Elena. A new vampire hunter and mother. Can I possibly stay away from her? I don't know...

I pulled on some black heels and my Christmas present from Caroline last year a talisman bracelet putting it on my wrist.

I'm on my way to Cares when I get a call from Elena.

"Elena?" I said I could hear her panicked breath.

"Hi Aria...I've puked blood all over my dress in church your the only one that I can trust to tell. Please help me" she said she was crying.

God damn my bloody guilt.

"Hey hey it's okay just breath I'm guessing this is about the adjustment issues?" I sighed feeling bad.

"Yes. You have amazing blood control I need you to teach me, please can you bring me a new dress please Aria I'm losing it" she weeped.

If anything she's better than me yikes.

"I'll be there asap. Elena just stay calm" I said hanging up and running to the nearest dress store.


"I'm here, I'm here" I said into the phone running along by the church with a dress in my hands.

She was utterly freaking out that's when her breath hitched and I could hear rattling at the door.

"Is that you?" She whispered still crying her emotions are heightened so much right now as she just turned.

"No not yet stay down. Tell whoever it I to go away" I said.

"I'm sorry there's someone in here!" She yelled.

"Aria hurry" she weeped hanging up.

I began to run in my stupid heels down to the basement bathroom in the church.

When I came around the corner I saw Conor sitting on the couch outside the bathroom.

"Hello" I smiled.

Holy crap this is the vampire hunter oh my god.

"Hi sweetheart" he smiled and I knocked on the bathroom door good god hurry Elena.

If Nik knew I was standing this close to a vampire hunter he'd freak.

Elena popped her head out I saw the blood all over her dear god. It's sad I know exactly what she's going through but it shouldn't be this bad that she's not able to keep it down?.

Aria Salvatore x Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now