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Alora rolled her eyes at him, shaking her head with a light smile. "You, mister, need to be more humble. I don't think it's wise to underestimate our enemy's strength nor overestimate our power. We might be mighty but even giants fall."

"You're wise. You would make an excellent Queen someday." Thor confessed, voice strong and believing.

Alora, on the other hand, was shocked. Letting out a nervous laugh, her face turned red as a burning star. She brought her left hand up and pressed it against his chest and stared into his thunder blues. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves, okay? We've barely shared one kiss and you're already thinking about the future?"

Thor placed his bigger hand on top of her left one, his eyes darted to her lips as he leaned forward and stole a short kiss from her.

"Now that's two." He whispered against her lips.

Alora was a blushing mess, a strong gust of wind ruffled her hair, she took a step back from Thor and busied herself with her hair. All in hopes of avoiding embarrassing herself any further, Thor didn't even bother to hide the smug look on his face, he realized he loved making her nervous. To him, she looked endearing trying to act as if his words, his touch, or the looks he gave her didn't affect her at all.

But her eyes betrayed her, Thor saw in them what he had hoped to see one day, he remembers clearly the look on her face when she spoke about that human, Christian Prime. Thor couldn't help but compare which led him to discover something different. The look she gives Thor is of ardent and adoration, her eyes are like stars twinkling in a dark sky, and her smile is as radiant as the moon. And with the human, she looked comfortable, there was no fire, no spark, it was the type of love that made you grow comfortable with time, therefore, fooling the couple into thinking it's love.

"When you know, you know," Thor told her. "I can't explain it... but it's a feeling that overrules the objections of the heart." Alora blinked, staring at him with big starry eyes. "And it feels right. It always felt that way only stronger."

Alora breathed out, standing beside him, her insides became molten. "You're being intense, Odinson." She whispered to him.

"Is that a bad thing or a good thing?" Thor tilted his head to the side, he observed how the sun kissed the side of her face making her look angelic.

Alora took in a deep breath, she knew the answer to that question, her heart spoke to her in a steady rhythm but her head told her to be silent. Not to rush into things based on a feeling. And so, she remained silent, Alora looked away but did not bother to hide the smile curving up the edge of her lips.

And like the sun being overshadowed by the clouds, Alora's features darken as she stared aimlessly at the horizon. "What's going to happen to him?"

Thor's light expression dropped, storm clouds overshadowing his eyes with concern. He turned around to face the horizon, his big hand gently resting on Alora's curled hand. "Nothing's going to happen to him. You have my word."

Alora clenched her jaw, not daring to look Thor in the eyes. She didn't want to take his word and then hold it against him in case they failed to save Kal.

"I don't want to lose him." She whispered, the wind blew her hair back. Alora failed to realize it was her emotions causing the sudden gust of winds. "He's my family and I can't... I can't lose him."

"Hey," Thor frowned, gently he turned her to look at him. Alora stared at him with worry although her expression was firm, hiding behind a mask. It could fool anyone that didn't really know the real Alora Stark, but those who did know her read her like an open book. "You're not going to lose him. Trust me, I won't let that happen. Understood?"

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