Chapter 55

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I have a concert today and May insisted she wants to come , despite being 17 weeks pregnant

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I have a concert today and May insisted she wants to come , despite being 17 weeks pregnant .
We abou to pull up and she already thinking about food .

"Tjay did you make sure my snack pack is in the car ?"

"Pack ? Bitch you mean big ass bag , and yes i did ," i chuckle making her hit my leg .

I drive into my private parking spot and help May get out the car . I take her backstage , figured she'd just wanna chill there for the first half of the concert. 

"I wanna watch some of your performances, " she says looking at her phone .


"Im tryna watch my baby daddy perform , the fuck you think i came here for ," she laughs .

"You can watch from the side of the stage , that cool ?" She nods looking up from her phone then going back to whatever shes reading on her wattpad .

The concert goes really well and conveniently mood swings is the last song i have to perform .

The mood swings beat comes on and i start cheering Tjay's name

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The mood swings beat comes on and i start cheering Tjay's name . He sees me and signals me to come on stage and i say no .
Shouldve known Tjay wouldn't quit .
He walks off stage and gets another mic . The fuck is he doing ?
He goes back on stage and starts announcing something .

"Aye yo , yall really be vibing to mood swings but yall know its about my baby mama ," he beams . Never seen this nigga smile so hard except when his talking about his baby ."yall wanna see her ? " the crowds errupts into yeses and cheers .

He comes over and takes my hand in his leading me onto the stage and people cheer even louder .
Tjay hands me a mic and signals for me to talk . I hold the mic in one hand and hold his hand in the other . 
"Hey guys , im not one to like the spotlight but bae tryna introduce me to the fans ," i laugh .

"She having my baby , thats to all the bitches who was waiting for a turn . " he says coming closer to me wrapping his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him . I wrap my hands around his neck and we just look at each other . One thing about me and Tjay is we could look at each other for hours and not have to say anything .

The song plays in the background and we just slow dance . 
"You my whole life baby mama ," he says close to my ear so i can hear him .
"Your mine too baby daddy ," i blush like crazy . Been with this nigga for so long and he still making me blush .

By the time we get off the stage theres already mad notifications from Instagram captioned "#getmelovelikethis ,#May-Jay and alot more ."

"You like our new ship name ?" Tjay chuckles as we walk out of the building .

"May-Jay ? its cringy but i wouldn't change that shit for anything i laugh ,"

Me and May finna go to Polos crib for the after party , but its only the squad cause Mays pregnant and shit

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Me and May finna go to Polos crib for the after party , but its only the squad cause Mays pregnant and shit .

She mad cheesing the whole way to Polos , those instagram commemts really making her smile as she reads them all to me .

I pull up at Polos really quick and we go in .
I open the door and the rooms full of streamers and balloons .

"Guys whats all this ?" May says tearing up . Pregnancy hormones .

"Sumn light , yall see you were named forbes couple of the year ? " Polo says dapping me up and giving May a side hug and rubbing her belly .

"Deadass ?" May opens her eyes wide , she really talk like me alot .

"Yeah check this out ," Bubba says showing her his phone . She smiles and snatches his phone showing me "rude ?" Bubba laughs .

"We bout to turn up bitchessssss ," Latoya says coming down the stairs .

"You turning up , me and shordy just finna hang cause im driving and shes carrying ," i chuckle .

"Damn babe you never let me have any fun ," she laughs pushing my shoulder .

We chill the rest of the night and then when alot of the gang started passing out me and May left .

When we get back home its around 11 .
"Papi bring your ass upstairs im tryna go to sleep ," May calls .
I jog up the stairs and get into the room finding May laying in the bed waiting for me .

"Since when do you call me papi ?" I chuckle taking off my pants and shirt flopping onto the bed .

"I don know , it just sounded cute ," she laughs and i snuggle up to her baby bump .

"Shordy i can hear a heartbeat, " damn i never really heard the babys heart before .

"You being for real ?" I nod in response. 

"Just a couple more months and we finna be raising this baby ," she smiles kissing my head .


Hey ppl . I legit added this past 5 chapters . They werent in the book when i ended it yesterday but i did major editing .

Anyway byeeee potatoes 🥔😋

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