Chapter 43

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"Come on man , ive recorded this shit a thousand times ," i tell my producers while checking my phone for the time

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"Come on man , ive recorded this shit a thousand times ," i tell my producers while checking my phone for the time . By now im already late to pick May up .

"Tjay the songs dropping tomorrow,  it has to be perfect ," Jd , one of the producers,  sighs .

"I get that but im tryna go pick my girl up from school ," i say exasperated . May and i aren't even in the best place , this is just finna escalate shit .

"Tell her to walk , she's a grown -" i interupt him .

"Dont fimish that sentence,  she's not finna walk home the fuck ? Especially since she coulda taken her car but i told her I'd pick her up ,"

"Tjay you have to choose whats important,  you really wanna drop a sub standard track ?" He asks .

"Fuck it , im finna go get her , ill come back afterwards geez ," i grab my keys and storm out .

When i get to school May isnt where she usually waits for me . Damn this girl better not have walked home .

I walk over to a group of May's 'friends' as she calls then .

"Hey Tjay where you been ?" Vanessa smiles at me and i internally roll my eyes .

"Umm thats not important wheres May ?" I sigh tryna make this as short as possible. 

"She went to the bathroom about fifteen minutes ago , haven't seen her since then ," she tells me .

"Thanks," i say walking away in the direction of the unisex bathrooms .
When i get there i see May sitting on the floor staring into space . Damn i can tell she's been crying .

"Shaw im sorry im late , you good ?" I say sitting down next to her .
"Its fine Tione and im fine ," she says not bothering to look at me .

"Can we just go , i dont wanna be having this conversation in a public place ." She sighs . Shit my ass is in trouble .

We go to the football field thats deserted by this time . May doesnt like to talk about her feelings so i don't know how this is finns go .

"Baby talk to me , did someone say something?" I frown .

"Noone said anything Tjay , it was just an anxiety attack thats all ,"

"Noone said anything Tjay , it was just an anxiety attack thats all ," i whisper 

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"Noone said anything Tjay , it was just an anxiety attack thats all ," i whisper 

He stands infront of me and takes my hand in his "shaw dont act like thats not a big deal , im sorry i wasn't here ,"

"Your never here are you ? Theres no need to apologize . " i cough .

"Shaw whatever this is thats happening between us lets just talk it out once and for all ," he sighs letting go of my hands .

"Whats there to talk about ? The fact that your music means more to you than i do ?" I scoff .

"Shaw i know i was late and shit but i have a song dropping tomorrow and the producers didn't even want me to leave but i told them what my priorities are and chose to be here damn ," he raises his voice towards the end .
Well if this is a full on argument i might aswell let shit out .

"So you tryna tell me that you have songs dropping everyday ? Your never here Tjay , you wanna hang out at night but you have to realise thag i have school , i have homework,  i cant do that ,"

"I try to make time May , i really do try , whenever im not busy you know  that i spend my time with you , you knew what dating me meant ,"

Its pretty much both of us raising our voices now .

"Your right Tjay , i knew what it meant , i just didn't know it would hurt so much ,"

"I dont even know why you buggin,  That Ajax nigga would barely talk to you and you weren't on his ass like this ,"

"Fuck him Tjay dont compare yourself to my exes , i deserve better , you told me youd give me better , so do it ,"

"I have to fucking work , im only 17 and i have hella bills to pay , trust me big bag dont mean everythings wavy ,"

"I feel like this conversation isn't going to end the way i want it to , if nothings going to change why are we even talking about it ,"

"Ill make time for you shaw , ion know if you wanna come to the studio with me everytime i go but thats where i spend alot of my time, " he sighs looking at me .

"Yeah i would , lets start from there and see if it helps ," i go over and wrap my hands round his neck and responds by putting his rounf my waist .

"And your not finna lose me shaw i only want you ." He chuckles

"How did you-" he interupts .

"I could hear you telling yourself that before i walked in ," he laughs taking my hand leading me to the car .


Tjay and May are fixing things yaaaay 😍how manu couples wlda broken up cause of this 😂

Anyway byeeee potatoes 🥔😋

Emotional Suicide || [EDITING]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora