Chapter 7

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I decide to sit on the curb while i wait for Tjay

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I decide to sit on the curb while i wait for Tjay . I just sit there for fifteen minutes,  no thoughts no nothing , i just feel so numb emotionally,  i wait there for atleast fifteen minutes before Tjay pulls up in his Bentley from earlier . I stand up and dust myself off , when i do i realise I'm still bleeding .

I got to Tjay's window "umm do you have something i can sit on ? I dont want to stain you seats ," his seats were clearly leather but i had to ask regardless .

"Uh no but dont worry about it ," he says with eyes soft as snow .

I get in and he starts the engine and looks at me as if asking me where we're going . I dont look him in the eye when i say "Hospital, " with that he starts driving .

The car is quiet for a while before he puts his hand on my thigh and tells me im going to be okay , i flinch at first but then realise that he means no harm .

"He raped me ," i say plainly.

"What ?" He says with a look of horror enveloping his features .

"Ajax raped me ," i sigh

"Im sorry Mira......" i interupt him .


"My bad im sorry May ," he offers  a small smile .

"Its okay ," i offer a smile back .

"So what made you call me ? we barely just met today ," he says waiting for my answer .

"Well your the only person i know who showed an atleast partial interest for my wellbeing and i also dont have any friends, so,"

"Oh i get it ," he says as we pull into the hospital, "
We walk inside and Tjay holds my hand so i dont fall and leads me to the chairs in the waiting room while he goes to the front desk to fill out some forms .

He comes back and shortly a nurse calls my name . I stand up and go to the room shes leading me to and Tjay stays in the waiting room .

"Hello Ms Valentine, " the doctor says with a look of concern " have you reported the case yet ?" She asked . I can see from her badge that her name is doctor Ashley.

"Umm no i dont know who it was ," i sigh .

"Mmmmm ," is all she says as she starts to examine my face and then eventual gives me a  vaginal exam and then she uses a rape kit to make sure im thoroughly cleaned up .

After the exam i take a shower in the hospital bathroom . I feel way better knowing that ive been cleaned of all the impurities , but the memories are something that just wont go away , something that ill keep forever .

I go back to the waiting room where Tjay's waiting for me with new clothes . " i went to wallmart to get you some new clothes ," he said handing them to me so i could go change out of my hospital gown .
That was so considerate of him , i dont know what i would've done if i had to wear my clothes from earlier again .

I quickly changed into the white vest and tights he got me , the red Dior hoodie smelt like him so im guessing it was his , i put it on on top of the vest .

When i was done we both got into the car and began another silent car ride .

"Where do you wanna be dropped off shaw ?" He inquired .

"Well ummm i dont know, my parents are off on a business trip and im scared Ajax might come to my house ," i sigh hopelessly.

"You can stay at my crib shaw , no pressure ," he smiled warmly. 

"Really how bout your parents ?" I ask .

"I live alone , my family lives in New York ," he says foccused on the road as it starts to rain .

"Oh , thanks ," is all i say , i figure now isn't the best time to be getting to know each other .

"You want something specific or can we just get McDonald's  for dinner ? "

"Oh McDonald's is cool ," i say as he pulls into the drive thru , its going on six pm now , i hadn't even realised we were at the hospital that long .

Tjay asks what i want and i tell him ill have watever his having with two chocolate milkshakes and a big mac . I dont know why i eat in times of stress .

We go to the next window at the drive thru where we pay and then to the last one where we collect our food . Tjay hands me my food and i immediately start eating.  He ordered fries and twelve dunked wings for himself .

"Can i taste one of your wings?" I ask politely. 

"Shaw why you buggin you literally have your own right there man ," he huffs handing me one as he tries to stay foccused on the road .

"Yours might taste better , " i whisper and he tries not to chuckle .

After a while we pull up at this big mansion . Its only now clicking to me that this boy is a multimillionaire rapper . Damn .

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