Chapter 58

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The doctors managed to stabilize May and the baby but Mays in a coma and they dont know when she'll be up

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The doctors managed to stabilize May and the baby but Mays in a coma and they dont know when she'll be up . Everyones been coming to visit her but she still hasn't woken up . Gloria hadn't come cause shes too little but the doctors agreed that she can see her for fifteen minutes..

Momma drops her off and we go in together .
"Tjay is May going to wake up ?" She says holding my hand as her tiny eyes tear up .

"I dont know G ," i sigh rubbing her back and holding back tears .

"And how bout your baby ?" She pouts .

"Hes doing great actually, he a lil fighter just like his daddy ," we both smile . She goes over to May and looks at me for permission before putting her hands on her tummy .

"I can feel him move ," she squeals .
And shes right , hes been moving alot lately , i know hes tryna be strong for his momma .

Ba'kari comes to pick Gloria up and drops off some extra clothes for me .

Ive gotten time to really think these last few days . It could've been me for real . I really wish it was . But i woulda never gotten to meet my baby so i wrote him a couple letters , wrote some for May too cause honestly we don't know what tomorrow holds .

I made a will and i think May should make one too . If she wakes up . Damn it hurts me to even think like that .

If i were to die , i mean theres really no questiom id want May to raise our baby and be the sole owner of my record label .
I would want her ass to move on and find love but we all know how stubborn she is shed never even look at another nigga .
I dont even know why i been this deep in thought man , Mays state right now just has me fucked up .

I go into her room everyday and i just watch her sleep occasionally begging her to come back to me , i feel the baby cause i know he aint sleep.
I read him bedtime stories and sing him lullabies.
As for May i dont know what to say to her . I just feel like i failed her .

I knew damn well that Travaughn would pull some funny shit , he always does this , i should know better than to trust him by now .


"Travaughn, put the knife down , he used to be ya brother ! " i yell

"Fuck that Tjay , fuck SB , you finna sell me some shit and ask for it back ? ,"

"Look Travaughn it isn't like that lets just talk it out ," Smelly sighed .

"Ayt yall take your shit and gimme my money back ,"

Smelly gave him the money and i was about to go start the car when i heard him screaming . Travaughn stabed him all over his body


I lost my bro in my hands . And if that cheap ass gun wldnt have jammed Travaughn woulda been dead too . May wld be okay .
Couldnt even do nun cause we was doing illegal street activity.
Wound up getting caught anyway cause of Travaughns snitch ass .

I just cant take the pain , ion know how many people im expected to lose in this life but its not fair . It should've been me every single time .

The doctors tell me to try talk to her to see if i can wake her cause they say her chances of waking up are decreasing so i comply .
I go inside and sit back on the bench .

"Hey baby ," i pause "ion know if you can hear me but im here and i need you so much right now . Shordy ," i chuckle the last part "remember how your ass wld get so pressed when i called you that ?"

"Remember how we started of with that love hate relationship ? And now im the love of your life ," i genuinely laugh " you took a fucking bullet for me , you feeling the kid i know its okay you can admit it ," i know that being arrogant gets the best reaction out of May .

"We miss you you knowb, your laugh , your smile , your sarcasm , i cant wait for you to wake up so we can cuddle.  Been finding it real hard to sleep without you lately . "

"I miss how you can never take this dick ," i burst out laughing and she starts to open her eyes . Oh my fucking gosh .

"T-tjay ? " she stutters trying to get up but i push her back down . "How long was i asleep and why am i here and why does it hurt"

"Shaw you took a fucking bullet for me and got your ass in the hospital,  you been here for about four days" i go over to her and kiss her passionately.

"Baby i could hear your voice it just felt like i was dreaming  ," she smiles .

"Yeah but you coulda died , the doctors were here talking about very low chances of you waking up and it had me fucked up , i need you to promise that if anything ever happned to me you'd raise our baby , none of that suicide shit ?"

"I promise but wheres this coming from ?" She asks

"I been thinking alot lately and you coulda died and so could i , so i wouldn't wanna have a situation where its both of us cause we have a life to raise and thats bigger than all this . "

"I love you so fucking much Tione Jayden Merrit , your my soulmate , i could feel your presence and how you'd feel my tummy and talk to Junior ,"

"Junior ?" I smirk

"Mhm we naming him Jayden after his daddy ," she laughs showing her dimples and they only show when she genuinely laughs .

"I love you too mama ," i say kissing her all over her face . We just sit and talk for a while before the nurses come in . I tell her about everything she missed . This whole situation made me realize that im tryna make her my wife as soon as possible .

I take out the ring from my pocket " May Valentine ? Do you wanna be my wife and become Mrs Merrit ,"
She looks completely shocked but she nods quickly before saying yes . I swapped out her promise ring for a wedding ring when she was in her coma .
We sit and enjoy the moment before i have to leave and get May some clothes .

"Now imma go home and get you some clothes ," i chuckle as the nurses come in and start running some tests .

"I love you Tione , always and forever ," she blows me a kiss as i head out .

"Always and forever May , i love you too ,"


I couldnt just kill May guys 🥺plot twist . See yall in the next chapter .

Byeeee potatoes 🥔😋

Emotional Suicide || [EDITING]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя