"May we join you for work studies?!"

Start from the beginning

"Please Tamaki, pleaseeeee." You and Kirishima begged. "Please!!"

Tamaki looked around nervously as few of his fellow floor mates peeked out of their dorm rooms, he clearly looked nervous about the sudden attention.

"O-okay! Meet me tomorrow morning and I will bring the both of you to Fatgum." Tamaki said as he finally agreed.

"Yay! Thank you Tamaki!" You and Kirishima said together before waving and leaving the dorms.

The very next day you and Kirishima got up early, ate a quick breakfast, and ran out of the dorms to Tamaki who was waiting outside.

"Thanks again man for letting us come along!" Kirishima said.

"I-its nothing, follow me." Tamaki said.

The three of you left U.A grounds, went to the train station, and boarded on.

Throughout the trip on the train, you and Kirishima fooled around while Tamaki nervously watched and replied to some of your questions rather quietly.

Soon the train arrived at Esuha City, you and Kirishima excitedly boarded off the train and followed Tamaki to Fatgum's agency.

The three of you soon reached the agency and was in front of Fatgum's desk in his office.

"Hello there Tamaki! Oh, this must be the first years you mentioned!" Fatgum said as he greeted the three of you.

"Thank you for having us." You and Kirishima said as you both bowed politely.

"Tamaki had mentioned the both of you yesterday, I was thinking to take the both of you into my agency." Fatgum mentioned.

"Really? Tamaki, you said that?" You asked turning to the shy boy in excitement, Tamaki looked away.

"Y-yea." Tamaki said quietly.

"I have to say, I have been needing new students in my small team. You guys are in!" Fatgum said.

"Yes!" You and Kirishima cheered, "Thank you so much Fatgum!"

And now you and Kirishima was patrolling the city with Fatgum and Tamaki, hero name Suneater, in the streets.

"We can't thank you enough for this opportunity you gave us." Kirishima said thanking Fatgum again.

"No worries! Here, have some takoyaki!" Fatgum offered the three of you.

All four of you enjoyed walking and talking before a scream was heard.


The four of you ran to the scene to see a group of robbers running away. 

Suddenly tentacles shot out from beside you and captured the thieves, you turned to your side and saw Tamaki with a clam husk for a hand.

Tamaki's quirk was manifest, whatever he eats, he can manifest it to one of his body parts. A rather powerful quirk.

Using the clam husk, Tamaki knocked out another thief unconscious.

The others tried running away only to run into Fatgum and they got stuck in his stomach.

"Woah! Good job Suneater and Fatgum!" The crowd cheered.

"That was so cool Suneater!" You said while Tamaki pulled his hood over his face.

"I-its nothing."

Unknown to all of you, one thief wasn't caught yet, and he was panicking.

Suddenly a gunshot was heard and the crowd screamed and yelled, Tamaki groaned in pain as he held his shoulder.

Tamaki's arms returned to normal with his quirk suddenly deactivating, your eyes widened in shock.

"Suneater! Are you okay?" You panicked as you helped him up.

"Watch out!" Kirishima yelled as he ran over and activated his quirk just as another gunshot was heard.

The bullet harmlessly bounced off him, if it wasn't for Kirishima you could have gotten shot.

"Fire Droplet, Suneater, are you okay?" Kirishima turned around urgently.

"I'm fine, Suneater isn't though!" You said looking at the gunshot on his shoulder.

Kirishima looked around and saw the thief you guys didn't caught, he went off after him.

"I-I can use my quirk!" Tamaki said as he reached out his hand to catch the criminal, but for some reason his quirk didn't activate. "M-my quirk!"

You looked around and spotted the bullet that bounced off Kirishima on the floor, you picked it up and placed it into a pouch on your hero suit.

You then helped Tamaki up and brought him to a bench where there was some policemen.

"Please take care of him!" You yelled before running off to find Kirishima.

You heard sounds coming from an alley, cautiously you turned towards the sounds and froze.

The thief's quirk was powerful, he had sharp blades coming out from his body piercing everything in sight.

Kirishima was amazing, he was pushing his quirk to limits you have never seen before.

You noticed the thief's quirk to weakened, Kirishima took that opportunity and knocked him unconscious.

"Well done Red Riot!" You cheered for him. The bystanders joined you and applauded for him.

 The thief was brought away while Kirishima smiled proudly.

"Man, that thief's quirk was so strong!" You said.

"Not really, he used some sort of drug to enhance his quirk." Kirishima explained.

"What? But drugs like that are illegal!" You said in surprise.

The both of you joined Fatgum and Tamaki whose quirk unfortunately wasn't back.

The police thank you for keeping the bullet and said they would check what the bullet contains.

Little did everyone knew, it would lead into a series of events.

A series of events of hope, trust, friendship, strength, loss, and grief.

A series of events that caused the world to lose a promising hero.



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