"What the hell happened?!" She asked.

"She went crazy, she was hallucinating" Matt said.

"I know I could hear her screaming Mikeal and Alexander from upstairs. I thought it was someone else." She breathed deeply.

Aria was unconscious she looked so peaceful like a broken angel tears down her face.

"I cleared everything up for you three your free to go but I have to know what exactly happened here" she said.

"I have to tell Damon about this" she added.

"I'll tell them Mrs.Forbes I was here I saw everything" I said.

"Yes but I'll be there with you" she stated picking Aria up in her arms she's so little, tiny like a snowflake.

No wonder Klaus treats her like she could break.

We signed some papers as Aria began to wake up. We'd already told Sheriff Forbes exactly what happened.

"How long have you known they were all vampires?" Matt asked Liz.

"Since Caroline tried to compel me three months ago, I've been protecting their names from the council. I know there not evil" she said.

"Aria sweetie" Liz said to Aria helping her sit up. She groaned holding her head, slowly opening her eyes.

"What happened?" She asked did she not remember.

"What's the last thing you remember?" I asked her handing her a cup of water.

"We got arrested and we came in the front doors it's all blank from there" she said.

"What happened?" She whispered warily.

"Sheriff their friends and brothers are outside" a police man said to Liz.

"Aria stay here I'm going to check on them, Matt stay here" I said and he nodded sitting beside her.

I headed out the front door to see Stefan with his hand to his face and Damon pacing back and forth. On the other side was the originals.

Rebekah was standing, Kol was swinging in thought and Klaus looked completely outraged pacing back and forth.

"Elena!" Damon yelled coming up to me.

"Are you alright?" He asked I gulped knowing everyone was watching me as they neared in closer.

How was I supposed to tell him his little sister just had a mental breakdown ?

"Yes Damon...but eh there's something you need to know" I whispered but they all heard me.

Stefan came running up beside Damon.

"What?" Damon breathed.

I scratched the back of my neck nervously. "Elena tell me" he growled.

"Well for one Liz knows all of you are vampires and I was there when it happened but..." I trailed off seeing Klaus.

"Where is she?" he growled and I swallowed hard walking over to him.

"Klaus I have to ask you something" I said.

He furrowed his eyebrows glaring at me.

"What!?" He snapped.

I took a deep breath in "Okay I'm guessing you know Aria better than anybody does" I said and he looked to me curiously.

"Spit it out Elena" Rebekah snapped.

"How well do you know her past with Mikeal?" I asked and actual fear glimmered in his eyes.

"She told everyone she couldn't remember anything" Stefan interrupted walking over to me.

Aria Salvatore x Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now