Part 1

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I sit alone at the bar twirling my cup watching the liquid in it swirl around. I sigh setting it down when I hear chatter then someone sits next to me. I turn to see a familiar looking beautiful woman looking back at me with a smile. "Mind if I sit here?"

"Uh no not at all," I gave her a small smile then turned back to my drink taking a swig.

"Rough night?" She asks as the bartender hands her a drink.

"Something like that, more like rough month for me." I say watching her drink the beer she was handed. "And you? You're drinking that like I've been drinking."

The woman let's out a small chuckle, "You could say that." She looks at her hands playing with one of the few rings she has on her fingers.

"I know I'm a stranger but would you want to talk about it? Maybe we are in the same boat." I smile taking another drink. I watch as she debates telling me before turning to me with a sad smile.

"Well me and my boyfriend had been arguing a lot so we decided to take a break for awhile." She sadly looks back down at her hands.

Seeing her sad hurt my heart a little for some reason, so I reach forward putting my hand upon hers. "Hey I'm sorry, but at least there's hope for you. My long time boyfriend dumped me out of nowhere without explanation."

The womans eyes meet mine and start to gloss over, "Oh I'm so sorry.."

I shook my head and take a drink before turning my attention back towards her. "Don't apologize it's fine. Oh I'm Y/n by the way, Y/n Y/L/N. I realize we haven't introduced ourselves."

She seemed to be getting nervous as she rubbed her forearm, "It's nice to meet you uh.." I look at her confused, I could tell she was debating something but I wasn't sure what. "Im Elizabeth Olsen, but you can call me Lizzie! It makes me feel old when people call me Elizabeth."

"I knew you looked familiar! I can't believe a famous actress is talking to me. In a bar too!" She smiles softly looking at her hands, I put my hand back on top of hers making her look up at me. "It's nice to meet you Lizzie," I take another sip of my drink as Lizzie stares at me for a few moments.

"Hey." She takes my hand in hers taking me by surprise, "Do you want to go for a walk?"

I smile at her standing up, "Sure, I could use some fresh air." She stands up smiling at me, I couldn't help but smile back at her. We walk outside and begin walking and talking. We get to a park and I see a bench a little ways ahead, "Wanna sit down on the bench over there?"

"Sure let's go." Lizzie quickens her pace holding onto my hand dragging me with her. We sit down and she turns to me, "This has been nice, I've been so stressed lately."

"I agree, this was way better than sitting in my room sulking again." I sit back on the bench with a sigh.

"Hey I know we just met.. but can I stay at your house? I don't want to go home." Lizzie scoots closer to me our shoulders now touching as I look her in her emerald eyes.

"Oh uh sure, can I ask why you don't want to go home though?" I tilted my head in confusion and slight concern as she looks out into the park. She sighs and rests her head on my shoulder. "You're very cuddly to someone you met 20 minutes ago you know."

"You're not dangerous it's fine." Lizzie wraps her arms around me making my cheeks begin to burn.

"I think that's the alcohol talking Olsen, let's get you home. Or well to my home." Lizzie shakes her head making me laugh, "No? Why not? You're a little too trusting of a stranger miss Olsen."

Lizzie looks up at me, her face centimeters away from mine as she looks into my eyes. "Should I not trust you Y/n?"

I take a deep breath and back away a little, "I think you're a little drunk Lizzie." Lizzie groans leaning back on the bench.

"Maybe a little bit. Ok let's go." She stands up holding out her hand to me smiling. "Well you're taking me to your home aren't you?"

I smile standing up taking her hand, "Yes I am" You walk with Lizzie a little ways away to your apartment. "It's not much just an apartment but-"

Lizzie walks in looking around, "It's cute! I love it!" She turns around grabbing both my hands and pulling me into my apartment. "Well come in, don't just stand in the hallway!"

I laugh as she continues looking around, I close the door and go to my room. I grab some sweats and a big white shirt and walk out. "Here you go, you can wear these for tonight and you can sleep in my bed I'll take the couch."

Lizzie takes the clothes from my hands and shakes her head, "No you take the bed it's fine."

"It's fine, my couch is pretty comfortable actually." Lizzie looks at me scrunching up her face. "Really it's ok. Here I'll show you to the bathroom and my room." She sighs and nods following me. As she changes in the bathroom, I change in my room. As I finish she walks into the room knocking on the door. "Hey, looks like my clothes fit you good"

"They do, thank you. I could've slept in my clothes though." She walks towards me slowly.

"I know but I thought you'd be more comfortable in this. Do you need anything before we hit the hay? Water?" Lizzie sits on my bed with a small smile and nods. "Ok I'll be right back." I walk out into the kitchen grabbing a glass cup and filling it with ice water. I walk back to my room and hand Lizzie the cup.

"Thank you Y/n! Thank you for letting me stay here as well." She sets down the water on my night stand and pulls me into a hug.

I chuckle wrapping my arms around her torso, "It's no problem, I don't mind having some company!" We both let go and take a step back smiling.

"Goodnight then Y/n" Lizzie smiles sitting on my bed once again.

"Goodnight, holler if you need anything." I smile and leave the room. I grab a blanket and a pillow, then walk to my couch setting down the pillow. I lay down putting the blanket over me and stare at the ceiling. "I can't believe Elizabeth Olsen is in my apartment. In my bed. This is crazy." I yawn and turn onto my side closing my eyes and slowly fall asleep.

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