Chapter 1 Dawn

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Lan Zhan got dressed in a matter of minutes, while Wei Ying just watched the impeccably dressed, perfectly hair-styled man walk towards him. If his mouth was open, he could not be blamed, for this was no ordinary man; this was Hanguang Jun, Light Bearer.

"Wei Ying." He was saying, ever so patiently.

"Huh?" Wei Ying blinked back into awareness, and realised he had been staring. He draped himself all over his husband and planted a noisy kiss on those adorable lips.

"You cannot blame me!" He declared, shamelessly. "If I see something beautiful, I want it."

He grinned, delighted with the pink ears his words produced.

"It is an emergency." Lan Zhan reminded him. "Brother has requested us to meet him in the library. The Forbidden room."

"I know, I know." He carried on talking, even as Lan Zhan willed an enormous amount of self control and undressed him, reclothing him in new robes specially made to accommodate his wings.

"What do you think it's about?"

"We will find out when we get there." Lan Zhan made him sit on the floor while he sat behind him on the bed with a comb.

"Yes of course, fuddy duddy, but just guessing here. It's fun." Wei Ying reached up and kissed him under his jaw.

Lan Zhan put the comb down, gently took his face in his hands and kissed him sweetly, lips fitting perfectly against his.

"What was that for?" Wei Ying whispered, looking into golden eyes holding so much emotion.

"Wei Ying is beautiful." He was told before being made to sit still and have his hair done.

Ruthlessly efficient but ever so gently, his long ebony tresses were tied together with the red ribbon they both loved. Lan Zhan kissed his head to show him he was done, and then they both left the Jingshi hand in hand.

Wei Ying paused as they reached the moon tree. Its leaves fluttered more as he neared, and he wasn't sure it was just the breeze.

A beautiful light fragrance caught his attention and he smiled, breathing deeply in.

"Can you smell that, Lan Zhan? Isn't it wonderful?" He closed his eyes, all the while smiling brightly.

He felt Lan Zhan move in front of him and tenderly take his face in his hands again.

They kissed underneath that magical tree, a peacefulness washing over them as joy lifted their hearts. A white light lit within them seemed to grow beyond the confines of their bodies, uniting their souls until nothing else was left. Harmonies of the universe sang to their ears, revelling in this perfection of their union.

They only stopped when they ran out of breath.

An irritated cough brought them out of their trance. Wei Ying opened his eyes to find Lan Zhan looking at him, his face full of adoration and love.

The light vanished amid disappointed gasps and murmurs, before applause rang out around them.

A crowd had gathered to watch what had happened, and Wei Ying realised too late that he had been making out with his husband in full view of the occupants of Cloud Recesses.

He hid his flaming red face in white robes, clutching them in embarrassment.

Lan Zhan chuckled.

Wei Ying was so surprised by that sound, he leaned back to look at him fully.

"How are you not embarrassed?" He whispered, taking in the normal coloured ears, and normal stoic expression of his husband.

"Am not embarrassed to love Wei Ying." He leaned down so only Wei Ying could hear him. "Wei Ying is mine."

Wei Ying shivered.

Lan Zhan smirked.

"Four, two. To me." He grabbed a stupefied Wei Ying and marched to the library, ignoring the reluctant to move crowds who wanted to see more.

No way! Wei Ying quickly snapped out of it. If Lan Zhan thought he was winning, he was very much mistaken!

A plan formed in his creative mind, which had him grinning from ear to ear. Lan Zhan looked back once and raised a brow, but Wei Ying cleared his face immediately and beamed back, hiding his thoughts.

They hadn't quite worked out the ins and outs of their mind connection, and their new-found ability to communicate without speaking, but he was pretty sure Lan Zhan couldn't read his mind yet.

That thought was frightening anyway.

He decided to try something.

Lan Zhan? Can you hear me? He focused hard.

"Mn." Lan Zhan said out loud.

"I just wondered, can you see my thoughts?" Wei Ying decided to speak out loud too, just in case.

"No. I think it would only happen if you wished for it. Focused application." He said, after thinking about it.

"Makes sense. I mean, there must be some sort of protection."


"Well, I just mean, if there was a reason..." But he did not elaborate.

They had reached the library now, so Lan Zhan did not ask him to, either.

Sandalwood and the musty smell of aged tomes greeted them as the doors opened.

"I love this place." Wei Ying said, suddenly.

"Mn?" Lan Zhan stopped just before the stairs that would lead them down to where XiChen was waiting for them.

Wei Ying blushed.

Lan Zhan turned, now fully interested.

"I know it's not the same place, but it kind of is. It's where I got to know you properly, for the first time, and it was just the two of us. After everything that happened, and this building burned down, it made me incredibly sad." He sniffed.

Lan Zhan brought him into the safety of his arms.

"Same for me. When Wei Ying was...not here...I used to come here alone."

"I didn't mean to make you sad." Wei Ying hugged him again, sniffing once more.

"Am not sad. Not all memories are bad." Lan Zhan smiled kindly at him. "Wei Ying was loved, even if I did not know it. Even then."

Lan Zhan took his hand and they went down the stairs.

XiChen smiled when they bowed in greeting.

Wei Ying bounced up to him, grinning.

"What was the emergency, XiChen-ge?" He asked, innocently, looking around for a clue.

Instead of answering, XiChen warded the Forbidden room, and placed an extra ward on the outside of the library for good measure.

Then he turned to face them both.

"I found the Prophecy. The one about your Soul Bond."



Hello again everyone!!!!

I'm kind of excited and terrified at the same time...there really should be an adequate word for that...

Anyway, welcome to Book 6.

Thank you for sticking with me and let's hope this doesn't tank...

As always, I don't think I could have done this without all of you wonderful readers. I'm not sure how to express my gratitude for your support, but I'm definitely humbly bowing.

I wish I could send you all a bar of my favourite chocolate so we could all share the happiness that is the joy of living!

Thank you 😊💓

Also thank you to @pokeydraws on Instagram who designed the cover for this book from scratch...we won't mention the words shouted - in jubilation, I say - whenever I added details to my request, like "iridescent wings."

WangXian Forever 6Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora