Last Day

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My Bedroom (June 25th) (7:10 AM) (Bella's Perspective)
I couldn't get out of bed this morning. I cried a little bit when I woke up.
"Today's my last day as an 8th grader." I got up, made my bed, brushed my teeth, washed my face, all of that. I put on a really simple outfit and ran downstairs.
"I heard it was someone's last day of 8th grade." Elliot said. I smiled. We've been a bit better these past couple of days. He handed me a plate of pancakes with blueberries, bacon, and a fried egg.
"Thank you."
"My pancake has a smiley face and strawberries on it."
"That's so cool! It even has a nose!" I told Lei.
"Liv left early, do you mind if I drop you off today?"
"Not at all." I was sort of dreading going to school. Today was a half-day so I knew it'd fly by quickly. I'd say goodbye to my friends on our last "normal" school day, and we'd all go home. The next time we'd see each other after that was graduation.
"Okay, Bella we've gotta go. Here's your lunch."
"Lunch?" I was confused. Nobody has packed me lunch since like...5th or 6th grade.
"Ohh, it's okay. You didn't have to." He smiled.
"Take the lunch, Bella. Liv packed it." Strange.
Midtown (8:15 AM) (Elliot's Perspective)
It's been a while since I've dropped Bella off at school. I remember the other day—she was about 10 years old— us riding together and talking about Wilder (her favorite play at the time).

"Can we go see it again? Just me and you." She knew that I was trying to foster a good relationship with her, so she knew I'd cave in to a day out with her.
"Hmmmm, I'll think about it."
"But El, why do you have to think about it?" She whined.
"Bell, why do you wanna go so bad? Haven't you seen it twice already?"
"Yes, but I love it!" The play was about a girl named Zara moving from the city to the suburbs and the drama the occurs around it. Her parents are divorced, her oldest brother is in the army and they find out he's passed away during the move, and she quarrels with her older sister and younger brother.
"You just want to go back to see Connor, don't you?" Conner is Zara's crush, and I think Bella's crush too. Olivia told me how her eyes lit up especially when he came on stage.
"No...well, maybe. But I really like the story."
"I'll think about it."
"Hm, well you should know that I'm busy."
"I'm a very busy guy myself."
"Well, I'm a very busy girl. And I'm in middle school now so if you wanna do things with me, it's gotta be on Fridays after 4:45 PM. I'm not really free on the weekends, I'm too busy hanging out with my besties. So you find time in your schedule, Mr.Stabler."

Now the car rides are a bit different. We still talk, but it's no longer about plays and how annoying science class is.
"Stuck in traffic."
"It's not the worse thing ever." She noted.
"I've already been late 3 times this week."
"Well, maybe if you left the house earlier..."
"Well, that's what you say to Noah and me when these things happen to us. Did you expect me to have sympathy for you?"
"Hm, very funny." We both smiled.
"So, are you excited?" She nodded.
"And a bit nervous." I patted her shoulder.
"You'll be fine, I promise." As I pulled up in front of her school, she grabbed her mini backpack and lunch.
"For the last time in 8th grade, have a wonderful day! Know who you are and what you stand for. I hope that today is awesome."
"Thank you! Bye, Dad!" She blew me a kiss and walked over to join her friends.
The Trinity Gym (9:15 AM) (Bella's Perspective)
"I forgot about the senior breakfast. I ate a whole meal this morning." I told Janelle.
"Same. Not that I didn't try though, I tried telling my Mom that we'd be fed here. But try telling my Hispanic mother that you're not hungry." We laughed.
"Paisley told me that she stopped by your house just to pick you up to go to Splish Splash and ended up having a meal before leaving."
"I felt bad...but she ended up liking it!"
"It's true! I loved it!" She said ecstatically, startling us in the process.
"Speak of the devil and it shall appear. Hey, bestie!" I hugged her and she took us over to the table where everyone else was sitting at. It felt so bittersweet. I watched as everyone talked and laughed amongst each other. Does no one feel sad? I mean this is our last day together before we graduate. I've been fighting tears all morning.

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